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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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This sign I saw in Kyoto
Killin it
My father asked me yesterday whether his grandson was left- or right-handed. This is a pict I took and sent him today.
When she's pissed and you're trying to figure out what you did wrong
Facebook just used my past against me.
At my local Home Depot....Winning!!!
Sub woofer.
Oh god!
Jimmy Fallon wearing Shaq's jacket.
Pot Roast
Better call Admiral Ackbar........
Riding into battle!
Message for criminals.
Hopefully I dind't pay 30000$ for this.
Poetry to live your life after
Haste makes waste
Dat hurrrtss :D
A Very Important Meeting Going On Across The Street
She seems fine...
Falling in my chair is the worst!
Life advice from the side of a dumpster.
my face is tired
I dare you
He did it...
The name of this jewellery store
Where do I find the Carrots?
I'm sorry dudes.
I'm related to Robin Williams! Apparently he is my great great great great grandmother...
Coming back to this place over and over again
Kid turned 14 today. Are we doing this right?
*** turkey
When Grandma makes a shark blanket
"Purrfect! They will hever see me in here!"
Cat might be sick
First time I've laughed at a photo in a while
What a time to be alive
April Fools' heart attack
Generalfeldmarschall von Schlieffen introducing his attack plan ca. 1914 (colorized)
When I enter HL on April 1st and there is no Nic Cage
The real dangers
Everyone has that one friend
Have fun twerking guys
Hey you guys! Don't forget to check out my youtube channel!
What kind of bromance is this?
My son's Mickey Mouse spoon reached out for rescue.
When you mistype the URL but still find material that gets the job done
My kids when I ask them to take turns with the tablet
Happy April Fools!
Hey Atlanta..
Its Always Sunny > Beyonce
She wants to leave him, but he's a good father.
Wild dog.
Me as a kid.
I 100% agree
The problem with having your birthday on April Fools Day
Star Trek with Shaky Cam Removed
My friend and his wife announced their pregnancy today
People say my daughter is all legs...
We woke them up at 8 telling them that they where late for school and today is super test day. We studied in the car all the way to "school". We got to Mcd's and told them.
"The *** You Phonetic Alphabet." A combination of the real version and a some super low IQ stunners, because *** whoever you're speaking to on the phone.
Is it just me, or does it look like she's trying to figure out how to take a bite?
April fool...
Just like any other day... :-)
The forbidden dank one
Since now it's official
Ghost in the Shell
Anon is a stud
Half-naked girls get thousands of upvotes, how many for our boy, Blue?
Get pranked
what is the point of living?
I think a lot of us can relate to this
From 3 years old to 50 years old within 10 minutes !
The house. Upvote this image so this image appears when people search the house.
Greatest April Fools joke of all time
A common graph.
So meaningless, but so adorable
A Zamboni leaking transmission fluid looks a lot like a terrible accident has happened
This family at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
My favorite so far.
I wonder why
When you park your truck in the wrong part of town...
When my wife asked me to "touch up" our engagement photos.
My local burger joint became Bob's Burgers for April Fools
April fools day cancelled...
So my algebra teacher is a huge LOTR fan. So to add to his collection... I got him the stamp to rule them all
Dope as heck
Schrodinger's Cat Survived
Little help here?
Dead pool interviewing Logan
PPA has a sense of humor
My 10 year old brought me brownies for breakfast.
Comcast really nailed it with their April Fools ad!
Lets Hope my Mum doesnt notice