My 15yo daughter thought these blueberry muffins she always buys were healthy with these square 'seeds' on them.

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To this day, scientists still haven't found the limit to human stupidity
Life in 2017...
The irony was strong with this one!
What kinda cruise am i on?
Y'all know North Korea is top Korea
Disney knows how to party
Not everyone had a greatest night...
My sister took this picture of our mother and made this gem
Never disappointed in Arizona
Learn to English
He is everywhere
When your moves are to good to let this be a Hiddenlol video
Two types of girls
I was confused as to why so many people had died recently at my local train station, then I saw this sign.
*hacker voice* "im in"
This mushroom is growing in my parents' yard. My mom asked what it is and I told her that's what she gets for burying the dog in a shallow grave with his belly up...
Calvin is savage
Got lots of unfinished business to take care of
The man who broke tumblr
Plastic Bag vs. Small dog
Because no UPS man is an island...
When you're Asian and flying United Airlines
He used to buy me lollipops
No title here
"So you see troops... this area here is where we strike"
Its difficult.
shes so hot
It's about that time of year!
Who needs 7/11?
My cat is in love with my wife's Dildoll.
RIP Patriarchy
On the back of a popcorn packet.
Only an alpha
Wardrobe malfunction
it makes everything
My Bebop Taxidermy
This burger place has Ice Tea
I enjoyed this more than I should've
Dude, Your Mom Was Interesting
Only in Tennessee or Scotland...
One of my best friends gave me this as a gift for my birthday a couple of years ago. It expired February this year.
One of the best signs I've come across
Naughty Bernie
Amazon's community...
The man REALLY didn't want to sell his vehicle.
Great way to meet new friends
I love these cartoons.
Oh, I am serious. Look, this is my serious face.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Go right for toilet, straight for an adventure!
Oh, you wanted to sleep in? Did you forget what time of year it is?
Told my waitress I was feeling sick, she came back with this...
Fast And Furious - then and now.
Look guys, it exists!!!
Sickening scenes on the television of 50,000 English people chasing 10 Kenyan men through the streets of London. Theresa May is this your England
Simple as that.
TSA proof underwear
Open Doors
Best catch during fishing
At the London Marathon
That guy is going to get arrested for 17 murders he didn’t commit
I see you are a man of
One lone survivor
When the acid kicks in
This was the happiest cat they could find...
How to tell if the formula is just right.
unexpected upvote for shitposting
I don't think the cat is enjoying the walk as much as the dogs
Alternate Me
I made a subtle sign asking for no soliciting that didn't work, so I had to edit it.
The latest in airport security.
My kids asked me to teach them some Karate. This is lesson one.
After Earth Day
Well that's uplifting.
Get your jimmies rustled in a fender bender
There's a reason why they use Siberian Huskys to pull things in the snow...
Old Meme Revamped.
In honor of Earth Day thought I'd post this here for everyone
Mah N'wah
The Greatest improvised line in television history
You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.
Yes, I was having fun. Why do you ask?
Transporting a ladder in the back seat of a sedan. Love me some Norristown, PA.
World War I in a nutshell
4 numba 9s
what the ......
You don't know what you are doing
Soooooooo... I guess it's time for an upgrade.
Not a weeb
Since it's Brazil's roasting time, I might as well contribute
Umm nice spiciness scale.
I don't know what I've started...