This is my hand, there's a joke in here somewhere... but I can't put my finger on it.

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So, is this the stuff they teach at church now?
Never slept in this pot until the day I planted bulbs in it.
Irrefutable proof that Hugh Jackman is in fact immortal.
A selection of the transcript from the Apollo 11 flight.
A clever comic about vaccinations from BizarroComics.
Mary Poppins with the hot high ground
Someone submitted a giant version of the Rick and Morty butter passing robot to a BattleBots style tournament
Atheists 1, Theists 0
Just chillin
If I were a plant.
The worst job on the Enterprise.
Just riiiight
The should call you "Spongebob Fancypants"
Also works for the laundromat
Krusty the clown
Gif of the DMV
All aboard B-Yacht'ch!
Ginger Awareness Week
Only seven minutes old and already fed up with life
Of course I went in for a pint!
Clever sign between a dojo and a coffee shop in my hometown.
Gotta love Bud Light
Pretty much guaranteed to crash
Breakfast for Cereal
Spread some cheese
Pew pew
Take out my phone and start blasting "Pumped up kicks" for a better atmosphere
Netflix description of Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men
Interrupting little shit
This guy is such a savage.
I see Animal Anus, anyone else?
Hello There
Finally got an answer to the age-old question.
Say NO to WAR
Got bored in physics class, so I decided to draw Venus de Milo. Now I can't stop laughing
Sad life
As I snapped the selfie, I told Samuel L. Jackson to pose how he really felt about doing these kinds of things.
The name's...
It's a struggle
When you cant remember which one was on a Spectrum so you just go all in
Who needs a standing desk when you can have a Swim Desk!
That's one fine looking ***
Found an old picture of my sister doing the original troll face circa 1988
Sorry for potato pic, but my cat just wedged herself between the window and screen. Had to share!
Thieves can't resist
I can't unsee it now
Title your shitpost
Covert operations
9am tomorrow
These cable ties came individually wrapped - all 200 of them arghhhh!
Denver's PSA campaigns give me life
A bit of the ol' Ultra Tasty Crispy.
After spending the whole presidential eletion night lurking on /pol
You are about to enter another dimension.
Columbine the prequel.
My desperate local pizza parlor
When someone posts some 9 to the Gag shit in the comment section of you post
At least they know.
Crisis averted.
"...and with a little Yellow Ochre, we'll give him a bright little smile."
Really Comcast?
This airline gets it
Yooo, they revoked his medical license
My former highschool was renovated
You dare taunt me?!
That must be some REALLY good water .
Future Me
Pin the "tail"
I think I'll get a loaf from another shop...
Selection of waiters for Oktoberfest
Always Sunny
How to get a flag
Nice guys finish last. Or do they?
Probably for the best
Burger in Slovenia. Eat it in 20 min., or pay 40 euros.
Conservatives ruined this guy
Oh Elon
Dylan you're too young for this.
No better detective
when someone on your board is using big words so you better let them know youre a Navy Seal
When the teacher says you have 5 minutes left
I love Archie McPhee
God spelled reverse is doG
the sound of silence
Welcome to Science where gender isnt real and your sexuality doesnt matter
Not everything in nature is worth admiring
Politely yet firmly: GET THE *** OUT!
This is where the fun begins
Veronicat didn't thought it all the way through
I didn't think you could buy it!
Magic with MS paint!
When the teacher doesn't show up but you can't leave the classroom
Dealing with classic interview questions
Still one of the best jokes to this day