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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Thought I would share this with everyone.
I don't think this person fully understands the relationship between Vader and Leia
When you're smokin in the car and a cop drives by
When cats are staring into the abyss, I wonder if this is happening...!
Point and Click
best band ever <3
Wife's friend at work became a citizen so her coworkers threw a party.
Is it wrong? I say neigh
When you finally hook lucio as roadhog
I luv muh hole famile.
Drake O'Malfoy
I have no BMW's in my driveway and this is my toilet paper
Every World War II video game
Builder said *** it.
I know bird law
Egg decorating got a little out of hand.
It's hard to argue with that logic, your honor
Lost in college..
Perfect date don't exi...
A Hugeloler's only path..
We need to air drop these flyers over N. Korea
FPS in a nutshell
to catch a cheater.
Classic Top Gear
Elves aren't gay.
no habla espanol
This baboon is going at it
She's my special friend
Make a life long wish come true
Take your kid to work day.
Fun for the whole family
No pets at the pet expo!
When you just dont know
Innovation at its finest.
hol up
How men choose shampoo.
When you and your mate are at the McDonalds drive through high af
My mom, the tech master
Here ts replaced with reposts
Bark Vader: "*kssshhh* I find your lack of treats disturbing..."
You can always count on drugs.
People I DO have time for
When she says it's her first time.
Ugh. Just got pulled over. The officer asked if there was anything in the car he should know about. I said no, nothing except a little pot.
He's ready.
Finally, a place where i can get a job...
Seen on a computer on display at WalMart...
Nobody can stop him!
Probably the strangest fortune cookie I've ever seen
Mr. for the kids, scared the bejesus out of the wife!
Wise advice for the summer.
What happens in Mordor stays in Mordor.
I come in peace
The freeze warning on my icecream.
Dude! You got a tattoo.
Freakazoid: An underrated classic
This magnificent picture has been hanging in my public library for years.
I wish I knew how to play the pressure cooker lid
My girlfriend's parents both have BMW's their driveway and this is their toilet paper
Thanks April. Its been real
I aspire to have this level of confidence
This one hits way to close to home.
Solid remake.
Good bye pal
Marš u pičku materinu
That's why i hate crocs
Canadian Hooligan
No need to read the summer reading this year
My mother is law is from Honduras. In Spanish this makes sense.
Gee, thanks Fi
What happens when your cat starts watching too much anime with you
Animaniacs was the best
This just made my day that much better
Browsing without thinking.
We met Gordon Ramsay tonight in the most perfect way!
She just points to the cup whenever I try and start a conversation in the morning
"It was a tie"
They're worse than rats.
It looks like this traffic sign is challenging you
...Werewolves of London
This is the saddest anime death I've ever seen ; - ;
Mfw a single commenting spree got me back on Week's Best Users list
Living the dream!
Beat it even more
Irish bar in Romania.
Same Sex Bathroom.