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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Lemme milk this meme while it still lives
U can do it
We don't speak about it.
Heeeeey Vsauce, Michael here!
Master gave dobby a sock... Dobby is free...
At least you still have the dorritos
Anon gets intimate
You learn something new everyday.
Savage Dad
Absolute Madman
Hitler Meets Game of Thrones
Extra Extra! Gay men who dont date women are racists.
may be a repost
'I'll take a pack of smokes, some juicy fruit, and a bill of rights, thanks.'
Aaaww so cute! Wait...
Ooooh! He's tryin!
Let's try for 65
He's all of us
A geometric haircut
May the 4th celebration
I just wanted a BLT with cheese not judgement!
May the 4th be with you...until...
May de cinco be whichu mañana, Homes. -- Han Cholo
Could be either
My husband shaved our cat then made a new, much more disturbing one.
Is milk still dairy or am I just naive?
This message brought to you by....
somebody once told me I should switch to geico
Spinners are really really gay
The fastest way to farm XP is with higher level buddies
Sometimes science goes too far
CNN is really not doing so well...
Ever relevant android advertisement:
You can tell who my real close friends are by their facial reactions as I fell on the dance floor.
At least it's gluten free.
My wife, the librarian, received her new vanity plates yesterday.
When someone says traps are gay
When you get bored so you find yourself going to hugelol yet again
The official friendzone logo
Washed out memes
If Toto was a wise ass talking dog:
Anon has a close encounter.
That Ghost and goblins game tho
Anon forgets he is not on the internet.
Best Friends let you Share their Stretchy Pants
Roommate didn't pay rent for April and left our house. Found this resume in a box of old crap he left.
is the weed on the show real?
They'll get ya.
Found a his amazing wizard at a local renaissance festival.
anakin did nothing wrong
I work in a hospital and found this in one of the "on call" rooms.
Happens way too often at granny's
My Dog Is Pregnant..
mirrors gon' fog tonite
47 step
Can we all just agree the laundry symbols are bullshit!
Another Happy Landing
Look man....
I thought double penetration was consider multi-tasking
Can we make this a real thing?
Happy Star Wars day!
Where's my nephew?
You can't trust anyone dese days
Old School Creep
The average hugeloler
May 5th on BBC
While you all are celebrating Star Wars day I'm celebrating something else...
Anon is basically a hacker
That's one way to make sure no one gets an allergic reaction
May 4th be with you
How i cook.
The one you should really fear
the mind wanders
The future is now old man
Funny words ˙ ͜ʟ˙
Hoery Telling
I am the 1%
When you are on the dark side, but still a good boy.
Now with sound (
Always wear underwear.
Just another day for some.
Perfect Verb
Bob is dead
Doge came running cuz he thought I was opening potato chips
mfw I steal a meme I don't understand and it gets to Front
tee hee
This show was awesome.
Spot on
4chan is right next door
understandable, have a good day