Childless by choice, my pro-propagating family doesn't know what to do with me. This is the gift bag I got at today's Mother's Day celebration.

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You're gonna have to speak up, Clarence.
My mom has been complaining about this school picture for almost 20 years now. I decided to immortalize it for her for Mother's Day
I don't know what they are measuring but it must be pretty big
The lady ahead of me sure loves her jelly.
Annual family photo
Gee Doneland
Co-worker had package dropped off at work. Couldn't resist.
Even failure had enough
Agh not again!
I 'member...
Locked and Loaded
Dumpster of the Galaxy
Sure gives you them feels
Saw this license plate and spent 5 minutes speculating on why the driver might be so staunchly pro-circumcision before eventually realizing this is probably meant to be "never forsaken."
The ladies can't resist my bod.
I recently started podcasting and getting used to my voice is taking some time.
Why are you taking a picture of that?
That's good shit
Cee lo
Lube Job
WWI British lieutenant gearing up for battle, 1915
Figured id remind the world how italians do it
When you tell a girl "Happy Mother's Day" and she says I'm not a Mother.
My friend wanted her family to take her to an art museum for Mother's Day.
I'm not convinced
it happened like this
My local bar isn't ***ing around anymore
Drift Souls
Summer time is coming
9/11 was an inside job
Is the earth flat?
Yoda was probs a hugeloler
Tommy H
Cave Girl Problems
Always 2
Wars are gay
Easiest maze ever
I am bad with titles dont ya know
stupid infidels
Communism is the future
In fact, don't even watch the animals. It makes them nauseous.
Defying the system
Windy day in Iceland today!
Words of the Bard
best cross over
Aaaand now we have anime
If you're feeling a little lonely
Love is love
who would win
Scooby Souls
fresh memes
At least she got the job done.
Our hero
When the Pastor asks "if anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace"
Fight, Resist! STAND UP
Sound of Social Justice
Forgot to reposition the camera to take a jump pic, looks like we hung ourselves
Just a regular image passing through
OK, OK,I'll find him...jeez
Parents be strong!
My dream come true!!!
*** your expectations
Didn't see this coming
So, our dog met the neighbor's new kitten yesterday...
Am I Mother's Daying right?
tHiS mEme IsN't AcTuAlLy FuNny
Wasting No Time At All
The reason why The Oxford comma matters.
The work of my daughter
A dog's life
Who doesn't like Beijing?
My funny side.
Randy Savage
If you can think about it, don't.
Camera shutter synced with falcon's wing flapping speed.
11pm in the card aisle of the 24 hour Safeway. The night before Mother's Day
a brief period
That's a great venn diagram.
Getting old is hard young padawan
its happening
When god made me...
Babies can't refuse getting in the robot
"What day is today?" asked Pooh.
Happy Mother's Day, courtesy of NYC bathroom stall
Just a nice balcony with nobody on it.
yOu wErE mY bRoThEr aNaKiN. i LoVeD yoU.
Picture explains itself...
Title of your post
Use your horn carefully