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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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He also hated sand
>tfw asked to take a seat right over there
Strangest Halloween costume
Chihuahua or muffin?
What are you
He wasn't ready.
Tough neighborhood
Guys makeshift batman mask.
Chess is weird!
hats <3
the son of his father
Thank you crafttubers
sh11tposting 109
My friend's son was very proud of the "huuuuge heart" he drew today
Charcoal Toothpaste turns you into a demon
Russia sticks with what works I guess
Touché, Supercuts
Present for my wife
Found this pointless but funny sign
How to tell if cauliflower is ripe.
FINALLY an opinion that matters!
This film never gets old.
Wendy's only serves 100% fresh beef
Mayans and Mexicans
A city where "chair stacker" is a real job
Community Life regrets the error.
This store doesn't *** around
My all time greatest fear became a reality today.
You know why, too.
Secure the area
Shitposts Daily
Excuse me sir..
how to access the internet
Case of the missing sleeves
They've figured it all out in Sweden.
y'all dont got some updoots do ya?
vintage meme
Precautions comes first
Food is good, staff is friendly.
Can't afford to miss out on that deal!
Shitposts Daily 23
Peter Barker
I guess no one toad them the correct word...
Seth Green's Googly Eyes
"Just hyucc my shit up fam"
If I had half a spiderman
Two types of men
Proud Kanye
This building
Big if true
San Francisco, you're trying hard to make me love you...
Came back from the beach with a bit of a sunburn.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate how far this man has come?
Where do I find proof of Biggie?
Why I shouldn't be in public anymore.
Patrick Stewart, ladies and gents
How not to break into a car
You WANT to be bring me nom noms.
Barron Trump will lead us
Everybody here is taking photos posing like this. Don't know what this means, but I don't wanna miss out.
After penetrating the protective exoskeleton, a wily hunter harvests the succulent house meat from within.
Just another day at the Samsung Galaxy kiosk
Vegans, it's time to stop
It was there the whole time! Mind is blown
First time in Australia
I'm interested
I was walking home from CVS this morning when the wind blew my receipt out of my hand.
Why would you do that to me </3
By the power of Photoshop
Our plot-armor is indestructible
When you're an electrical engineer but also a hugeloler
Ebvery time
Damn Wish!
I shower periodically
Do I have Alzheimer's?
I swear my wife bought rigged sex dice...
It was him al along
Trying not to move
It's a tough call.
shrek is love and oc
Thats one way to go
Choked on my coffee at this
Don't lean on this ice cream store's glass
um... light blue?
No bully plz
This dude will get very old
Rumba King
Achieving communism but not wanting to take all the credit
Never forget