When you walk out of your last final with all of your friends telling you how great it went and you're trying to play along.

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Don't park here...
Friend: "What you are going to do with your engineering degree?" Me:
I think I found the world's smallest penis
A numba 9 large
God sat next to me on my flight today
i love memes with a happy ending
Long day at the office
No longer L8 4 ANL
Shitposter Worldwide
A hero, twice in one day
The sign someone stuck on this crate.
Holy F***!
I guess she didn't want to spend too many scheckels on the tattoo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rate my Startup
The empire strikes back to the future
Seductive stare
Manners cost you nothing, but the opposite might end up costing you more in Sarasota!
My new date shirt. Wife wasn't impressed...
"So you're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today..."
My puppy finally caught his Stub
Don't roast me
Upvote me love you long time long time
What could have happened to make them put up that sign??
Quacking in the 90s
Marathon on Hard mode.
I think this lady just walked right out of a hunger games movie...
My neighbours are a bit sadistic.
Sheev is a good man
Beg your pardon??
English guy picking up his French friend at the airport.
Captain Canada
If Elijah Wood and Mr. Burns from the Simpson had a child...
Meet Steve. Every time I leave my desk I come back to this.
the boys are back in town
Makes total sense now...
u monster
Sums up school expectations
There is someone out there for everyone
When your Russian for food there is no time for Stalin
So I went to church in Tanzania
This is why i play league
The sun sucks
Cracking a cold one with the boys
Batman: Master of Deduction
Have someone check your wedding invitations before sending them out to your friends and family.
"Haha! Butter!"
That clapback was Savage
Yes I can
Met the original Cleveland Brown
When your professor has no mercy
Is it dead already??!!
This is frighteningly accurate.
spongebob the street niBBa
if you're feelin down ...
Its a me
Volume is so low and I'm solo
I can't Bee-gin to express to express my surprise
Have you ever wanted to be the center of attention
Right you are
Love ya dad
Carpool Lane
/K/a magical place.
Prank Sinatra
ha-ha *snaps fingers
at least this one
Good, I Hate When They Leave The Bones In
Yoshi 3d
Cheating the system
Good work Adam.
My pet lobster working the drive thru window
Someone posted this to our local flea market Facebook page
This realtor has a great sense of humor
Speeding Camera Cosplay
I found a geocache on accident yesterday. The last entry is mine.
Poor Nelson
Don't be an ***, Paul.
One Xbox
We didn't deserve this show.
It's pretty much like it.
So like... a thesaurus?
Murican families
Isn't it ironic
Canada better apologize
What you gonna do?
How long minutes feel
Reese's your report card
lol faaacccttssss
Nothing of value lost
Even Speedwagon hates this meme.
I dont think this is real