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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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To the Fapcave!
COD players.
I see a Dubbit... wait what?
Hell yeah, Platypus!
Dat ass
Someone is having fun!
Pushups level: Hardcore
"You talkin' to me?" Spider think's he's De Niro
Fabulous spider
This will help my self-esteem.
Weather reporting fail.
Horny old man is horny
I Am A Wizard b*tches
I got this!
Ima call you back nigga. White folks are eating each other
Nailed it...
Legolas Cage
Genius Troll
Ink art
A reason NOT to suicide. Except if you have kids, then go ahead
Trying to concentrate when you didn t sleep
You can tell by the dog's face who drives better
F*ck you, I'm Iron Man!
I'd do ANYTHING for Sweets
Made my day :D
Forever alone
Assassin's Creed In A Nutshell
Toothbrush hu?
This kinda made me sad
Mila Griffin
It's a tough life for a cat...
Ridiculously photogenic fox
Why not fail?
Cute Little Guy
The art of distraction is alive and well.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Baby, grab me a beer!
Cool Haunter pokemon
I still did this
Do not tap on glass
This actually happened...
This is what we all feel
Hold up dog...I gotta check this sh*t out.
Norman Reedus
In Your Face :D
How I feel having a special kitten
Smells like ass
Russi Taylor & Wayne Allwine.
Stretchy cat
Short fight.
How a Hypotrochoid is Made
So much hate!
This hurts my head in a good way.
Well, I wasn't expecting that.
Tutorial by Bear Grylls
Go home deer, you're drunk
Business card
Tag! You're it!
Foreign Aid
If he can get out
Little devil
True that bro!
A friend of mine decided to hide in my closet this morning. Reminded me of this scene...
That's harsh
You know it's true
Going to a lecture with friends
The Wacky Adventures of Prince Charles
The effect of studying
Yeah right.
Just Homer
Captain Hindsight
And I'm sitting here masturbating
Poor carl
Yahoo!: even more accurate than EPT
How i feel on 4chan.
High school in a nutshell.
Oh Eminem!
I Will Never Die
What the actual f*ck?
What Am I doing with my life!
Its my secret.
Join 'em
Well, too late now.
Apply Cold Water To Burned Area
Following this logic fists should be one of the strongest weapons in CoD.
I dare you Gillette...
A typical atheist christmas celebration
German Toothpaste...
Too Much Coffee-Bull, I Can Smell Noises
This is it