Two Dutch guys stuck in money transport truck in the sun having to be cooled by the fire department until someone who can open it arrives

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Years of gaming has prepared me for this moment..
Progressive culture
Sonic, help us! ;-;
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Pineapple DAD
Nice coat
Their going to make you learn grammar to use you're internet
Someone's in trouble.
And the law won
How to prepare yourself for the day after Mexican dinner.
Jeg vil ha narco
"No Carl!"
"Nobody can do the wave better than me. Honestly! There's nobody."
This adds up on a spiritual level
Looks like I found your mom's parking spot.
On a Scale of 1 to 10, how much third world is your country?
Me so far in 2017
Bird's nest in a tree
A friend was asked to petsit
relatable content #14329
Can't dispute the importance of a good font
The grans will protect
You tell em Max
Guardian of the Orchard.
My friend's daughter just flew by herself for the first time. This was how he greeted her at the airport.
Friendly reminder
we all have been doing it wrong...
Wife just sent me this. Not sure if it's breaking any rules. Probably is. I read them and just cannot tell.
That's pretty metal indeed
That's a low blow
My aunt's Chihuahua stares at you like this while you eat.
No response.
This is not an exit
I found a dead frog on the beach and decided to give him a proper funeral.
I'm a bad person for finding these things funny
Your life is too normal, take a look at this
Couldn't find my dog this morning, I asked who wanted a treat and his head popped up. Now I know to check under pillows!
I think we reached the end
Baptism of Updates
the pants
The official "I haven't decided if they are dirty or not yet" placement.
Just be happy with your vergina-Dr. Steve Brule
He's just so ***ing cute!
Wow cat
When you are brushing you dog and you accidentally clone him
My brother Frank eating a frankfurter at Frankfurt Station in Frankfurt.
Thats why i dont use Bing.
people using this meme be like
All. Day. Long.
I'll see your CVS receipt and raise you Veterans Affairs Prescription Instructions
Only 90's kids will understand
He is number 1
"Sir, may I have some mor- OH SHIT ***"
The shitpost streak is real (no hate tho)
Do not cry my friends, MEME! MEME to this fine man!
My pineapple has been trying to grow dads for the last year, today he succeeded, look how proud he is.
Low quality shitpost
Mobile web pages in 2017
Banana fight
Still haven't seen another maternity shirt like this.
Hello there cold one
When you've been home for 4 hours and you look up and see 'LTE' instead of the wifi symbol
Huge moon in the night sky
International Diplomacy
Get caught for theft, get a discount!
CJ is that you over there!?
Hard times to truat someone
Don't give up!
In sweden the cats eat pussi.
This pillow at my Mom's house says it all.
Everyone needs protection
Helen vs Flash Bangs
I found my sister's doppelgänger at the Coldplay concert in Gothenburg
When there's nothing good on TV!
And my boss said they will never micro-manage me...
Almost asked for a preview before I gave him 3 bucks
Oh, they came back alright
Goddammit, Bill...
My dad has been trying to grow pineapples for the last year, today he succeeded, look how proud he is.
Note to self: Don't wear the mesh cap to another double-header baseball game.
Just feeling a little lazy...
Lassie! Get help!
My friend's cat climbed into a plastic flower pot....what memes can you guys come up with
The last square
My friend celebrated her dachshund's birthday in the best way possible.
Lemons? More like
i need an hero