I put my nephew's "grow in water" dinosaur in a tall shot glass, I'm pleased with the results

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So NASA Juno just posted this picture of the "face of Jupiter" but this is all I can see
Arm Hair, Don't Care.
When you ain't sure if she's legal
Just keep your hair tied back, they'll never notice!
My coffee shop knows what's up
Racial Tension
Well played, well played.
Me, entering the world of dating as a 30 year old guy with no prior luck of securing a relationship in my 20's.
Yes I remember getting my ass burned !!
Bro chill.
Nice meal with the grandparents!
Buddy found a interesting looking cat
How Harry Potter should have ended.
My friend's old glasses at the eye doctor. Yes, that's a twig.
Google, where would I be without you?
por que no los dos
Trains are hardcore
this is a christian server
The best face-swap :D
Love to succeed or love to succ D...?
Advanced huh?
This is for you, Taco
Slap them
Ladies love a kosher pickle.
Chill-Ass Orangutan
I Have a Dream... that we all have Wi-Fi
The ad below the news story summed up exactly how it made me feel.
Found Sideshow Bob's truck.
Mom's keeping it real
My buddy went to a wedding last weekend and this swan wouldn't stop staring at him through the door
too easy mac
I'm honestly surprised every time it rings.
Damn, that is fresh
This boats name.
Dad's lucky helmet
It's all smoke and mirrors.
6000 rpm or btfu
its true
me rn
Abraham Lincoln, 1863.
When the haunted house takes a surprise photo you can learn a lot about your friends.
It's called 'fashion.' Look it up.
The visit should be any day now
We must retake!
Bush did
Emma Stone's brother messing with her
This guy needs to make up his mind on being seen or not
Car faces
When your girlfriend asks you to cook a fancy dinner for her
Saw this in my local pub... First time I've scored on a night out!
best class
Funny picture that my friend took.
"i'm tired"
Adrian Shine, the leader of the Loch Ness project, looks exactly like you'd expect the leader of the Loch Ness project to look.
That's totally true doggy,I believe you
When your sister and girlfriend have the same name
When you leave your husband alone with the garden decor.
An anonymous neighbor called code enforcement on a friend of mine for not cutting his grass. Here's his response.
confusing lunch with being fired
Disdain for weaboos? Islam may be the religion for you!
Ernie is traumatized now...
Notable residents of Phillip Island, Australia
Way to go
Front Page lately
It was a closed casket funeral...
I moved out of my moms place just over a year ago and she got a dog, he turned 1 today and sent me this
ten hours of soft police sirens
No other way
Our dog loves to carry around balloons for hours... So we started writing messages on them
Best Batman Picture
The actual best store name ever!
Wnt sm fuk?
After doing literally nothing, I'm proud of the pineapple I accidentally grew
Keep it up!!
This is to all the Star Wars fans out there
I work at a cinema, this is the poster they have in the bathroom
It's a t-short
What to do in a bear attack
Ive found purpose
Saw this beast on my was to church
a s c e n d i n g t h e t e m p o r a l p l a n e o f e x i s t e n c e
First go at 3D printing
Watch your profanity
Normie meme
Very clever...
Probably the manliest hot tub in the world
This helpful sign on our nature walk today
I'm a single parent this week while my wife is out of town. I knew it was too quiet...
my little sister sent me this
They were truly a head of their time
The Internet won't spare you.
Make awkward sexual advances.
He used to bug me to take him to the park...