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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Ужасный мем
The world is flat
I bring you truth
Normie scum
The Fallen Roman Empire
Memories from the past
Autistic memes
Take your child to work day
Pack only the basics
Alex Jones said it! Thus it will be true now.
When you gotta charge ur phone no matter what
Strange but true.
And German
Jeg har ikke mere verdighet igjen men jeg har da masse cocain og spenn'
England according to a Japanese textbook
I tried so hard too
He's asian
Oh no
I too tried to grow my own pineapple, but unfortunately my dad skill isn't high enough yet.
** outdated lee sin reference **
Hanna-Barbera in a nutshell
*cries in student*
sorry i had to get this stupid thing out of my brain
Elders play Grand Theft Auto V
When you try to watch spongebob, but reality kicks in
Print Job
After not seeing my dog in 5 months, I skyped with him last night. My mom sent me this after we disconnected:
Art is where you make it
Net Neutrality Explained
One shot, one opportunity
Ronald McDonald surpassing his peers and living the American Dream
Isn't this that song by The Clash?
Global terms of endearment
Almight Unicat Keeping the Net Neutral
At the train start ion today
And what a good day it was..
The tables are turning
A huge lifesaver over the years.
It's hot out there folks!
true love knows no fences
Genre? FPS ofc.
Conor McGregor's "f*ck you" pinstripe suit at today's press conference.
She was a little butt heart after this.
I prefer my souls served with warm apple pie.
Felt moisture in my face and woke up at 3 in the morning for this view. So lucky I got to witness this.
The best review I saw on Prime Day
I think I found my spirit plant
China is a confusing place
Great review
I think I just found Overly Attached Girlfriend's pet corgi.
Brother's note left for my mom this morning
You....yeah you Vegan. Look him in the eye...and eat him....if you can.
The choice is yours, Neo
Time to pick up the habit?
My friend just received this letter
Jon Snow/Kit Harrington never-before seen audition tape is absolutely golden
I walked out the room for five minutes and my puppy ended up like this.
He's applying for a job. They require a photo of him with a white background.
good night sweet prince
Archie comics accurately representing the average 17-year-old male.
At my accountants office.
Sorry cookie monster, those are mine now.
anom buys a lot of seats
Drivers License Hi-jinks
Dammit Jerry, stop pressing the Meseeks button.
Here's some library humor for you! Enjoy!
My uncle after 2 lobster rolls, fish & chips, a pavlova, and ice cream
Well done, David, well done.
next level of shitposting
This won't end well...
I think it's pretty spot on if you ask me
Probably friends with Mike Hawk.
This triggers my nightmare
Asking Bing if Bing is better than Google...
This muddy dog looks like a spooky mud dog wearing another dogs skin as a disguise.
The high ground
I need a Doctor...
My 10 year old think she's clever.
Google Maps level neighbor feud.
How to make brownies
It Doesn't Look Good
hahaha im so ***ing sad haha
Some cultural traditions last forever.
gl, hf
"Human sex"
When you try to make an ironic meme about normies, but you get downvoted into oblivion
Because every shop owner isn't trying to make a living, they're all part of the bourgeoisie
Mondays ...
If a picture could describe a woman...
Must use more lyrics for diff memes
Jontron exposed
Feels bad "Dawg"