I don't think I can make it till the end of this month

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/364367
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I keep the leg of every pirate I kill.
NO, its not
Mom's invention to stop him chewing stitches.
What have you summoned upon me?
When sh*tting in the streets does not satisfy the need anymore
He's waiting for the cat to throw the ball. It won't happen.
This is downright a terrible meme
"I said I want a treat NOW!"
They soak up all my unhappiness
Fresh Star Wars Meme
Bench buddies: football edition
Most accurate subtitle ever.
I posted this five years ago on facebook, still relevant.
Dam Son
A book review from Snoop
I lost the ball but it's cool..
A hungry McDonald's is watching his prey
I Googled "Fat Greyhound"
In the middle of this shitposting storm, here's some OC
Ed Shareen's DNA finally explained.
Friend visiting China is taking in the culture
Suspicious Duck Truck
This has got to be, the best way to react to ANYTHING
I missed my graduation photoshoot with my friends, so I improvised.
Possibly the greatest use of a phone number mnemonic, ever.
It is so hot today
Hell, I'd try it
Perfect gift indeed
Will Smith finally looks how he did in the 1994 episode of Fresh Prince where he dresses up as someone's dad.
(stares in infinity)
Show me what you got
Collective Nouns for Groups of Animals
One day I will learn how to do it
Makes sense
this meme is from the future
Internet Mam
It looks like Superbad is happening across the street.
Easy riddle
Doge appreciating some dank memes
God damnit Netflix
I didn't expect to cry at the grocery store today.
This will be reposted with skeletons in the future
The Dude Awakens
Anon sets some realistic goals
What was his name again?!
We need Magneto!!
My friend's dog freaks me out
How can you tell your Indian neighbors are throwing a party?
Why are there so many stock photos of people shooting their computers?
Today's generation doesn't know about the original fidget spinner!
Irish Roads
He lost touch with the world...
Seen in my local pub:
Lucky June!
How I welcomed my friend at the airport
You're still pathetic though
now that's what i call relatable
You know, just in case.
That will teach her to mess with me
Poor doggo
audible laughter
What you looking at lol
Proof !!!!
The good ole days reborn
What do they expect?
Oh Jeff...
McDonalds and Visa partnered to make this budget for fast food workers, it requires two jobs and no heat
Ta-Da! A full Golden Retriever
No homo?
I am sure no one will notice.
My friends' pregnancy photo
you're already dead
Am i doing this right?
Tap water. Not even once.
Possibly the greatest table of contents ever
Robot is disappointed in his son.
Rush it, cyka blyat
Ape Canaveral.
Saw this at our loading dock
I am shooketh
Picking the perfect watermelon
One of my buddies is traveling in foreign lands and unknowingly ordered a potato with a side of potatoes.
Greatest cat pic ever. He creeps on me daily, every time it damn near kills me laughing.
This hugelol account is actually just part of my cover
This is ridiculously accurate.
This guy is years ahead of us
not again
We've all had those days