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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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buzzfeed 2.0
honest days work
Please climb stairs to access elevator
Enough is enough.
Idle hands are the devil's playground
Oh Alexa
If there's not a sub for people sleeping in the most peculiar positions in public, there should be.
Spider-Mandarin, Spider-Mandarin, Does whatever a citrus can
The only logical reaction to puns
Today, A miracle occurred at my local IKEA
My internet went down yesterday, and the reason was totally nuts!
iOS 11
My cousin's dog reacting to the new kitten.
If only it was Crystal Pepsi.
Sometimes it's the little things at work that make it all bearable.
'Special' forces
Please do not season the birds
There is definitely nothing wrong with this stock photo at all
Some people have pretty specific tastes, I guess
Optimism is Stupid
My town's police department knows how to social media
My wife has never seen Seinfeld and asked "What puffy shirt?" before she left for work.
What a handsome young man
So in today’s news...
cushion on the right slightly discoloured
Two different restaurants. No affiliation. Located just up ahead.
haha memes are funny^^
Equality Achieved
careless whisper
Passive aggressive work fridge theft at its best.
Double evidence
**Welcome to the Black Hole of Retirement.**
So to speak
respect woman
freshly stolen
good advice
A mostly Polish related WWII meme
Sorry ladies, you're going to have to wait.
In my defense, he isn't that good yet.
Wife told him to go rock the baby
Santa looking like hes gonna risk it all
Worst. Sequel. Ever.
Very on-brand license plate
Don’t low ball me guys, I know what I have!
Making Star Wars a little less dark
The longer a cop is behind you
Trans? You need to be more specific.
The Future of Shirts
She won't go near the peanut butter
Inevitable reaction
Got solidly propositioned by my car on the way into work today
I know what hes gonna be when he grows up
Top 10 saddest anime deaths
Pasta meta
After recent developments...
She/he's a trap
Just carrots taking a bath...
How's your dating life?
Have you ever heard of ARSE?
Daughter got in trouble and can't use her phone except to call or text me. I felt she needed a reminder of the rule...
I'd Like to See North Korea try and get passed our higly trained Army
Women are finally driving in Saudi
Darude Shaq
Anon is over 9000
The newspaper once printed Farside and Dennis and switched their captions
My sister got to decide the CVS sign today
Rapture Survivor Card
Anime is cancer
A photographer took pictures of people before and after calling them beautiful
Sup Dude!?!
My favorite part of spring
Savage Kitty
War itself never changes, but it changes everyone
My sister's siamese cats derping while trying new treats.
A Fat boi
Wait a sec
Mix Tape in comments
I recognize that couch from somewhere...
THOT_BANISHER_OF_THREE has joined the lobby...
Have you tried getting a kitten?
Old people are great
pleas pet dog
Technology is for everyone
Finally an establishment that recognizes the real issue
Tech Addic
The Comforts of Home