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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

Next Posts
Clever old man
Faces of Ron Swanson
Haters gonna...
How it feels when someone is leaning over your shoulder as you're using a computer.
Pick up line for women
Security Work - It Has It's Benefits
I'd buy this boat
Snow pentagonal dodecahedron
Puppy heavy head eating
Being An Ugly Girl...
The perfect Steadicam.
Epic knock knock joke
Daniel Radcliffe being awesome
When will the lies stop, Obama, WHEN?
Sharing is caring
The power of the jedi
Nicki Minaj coming to Brazil
Parenting done right
Oh hi! I'm here for the job inter...
The art of seduction...
This baby already knows his ways around women.
Shrooms kicked in
Draw Something is getting weird!
She's actually just tying her shoe.
I no tihnk u English well
I want my childhood back
My dating life in a nutshell
Answer This Question Truthfully..
Not sure if accidentally or...
Imma Get Ya, BOOP!
Appears to be legitimate
I used to love this.....feels
Canadian swats
Well hello there
How i imagen republicans
Some YouTube Gold
Oh god why.....
Normal activity
Umbrellas are too mainstream.
I know really
How to unbake a cake
It's eating Patrick!
To Console Fags
Hidden message
Meanwhile in Finland
Argh, they knew my one weakness!
When your favorite song comes on!
Ambush failed!
There's a new cat tree
Ohh evolution
Got some dick [FB]
Super Hexaflexagon!
I could never figure this out
Haters gonna hate.
I dont always post timing
Zangief with the assist
Truer words have never been spoken
High five, dude!
Overprotective dad
Yeah, I ate...
Lol nope
Sorry guys...
There is true evil in the world...
Coming back after a night at the pub
All you can do is run and scream like a little girl
What google thinks of as the best gif on the internet
When I do I fail
Old but gold
When my group nails our final project
I could really need a day like this
We got a winner!
Just a reminder that the Apple Maps icon actually suggests that you drive right off an overpass
[10] guy got a job at the bus station
The weather for the next week
The Great Cola Escape
HUGELOL Community
Want some?
Oh Youtube....
Well played...
Where's your childhood meow?
OH NEIN you didn't
They should get that fixed...
Wait... what?
All I know about geography...
Girl Power (Clean)
Pedobear comin back
Dat leaf blower.
How this year has felt for me...
Sh*t Frodo!
The only reason I stay on facebook
How do these people even walk?
Cat flipping. For science.