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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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This poster of a thief at a gas station in my neighborhood.
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El Grande Smokio
Fried rice
The way the sunlight hits these leaves and makes them look like they're on fire...
This pumpkin-spice-everything nonsense has to stop.
Not. A. Damn. Chance.
Its come to this
not gay
You guys tell me
Australia, where people know how to get shit done.
Either works for me
Got you a present!
I like my local locksmith
Anon finds a girl on facebook
Call me the flash
Its the fat jedi in the orange shirt that saved him.
Math equals Simplicity
It's the little things in life
it worked for me, tho
Russian penguin
If this *** don't shut up...
They are the best people
Anon is Australian
Love: A Short Story
The true hero of Star Wars
trust Jesus
I wish I was as cool as this guy.
A Star Wars prediction
The Rotation is a Lie
Ben Affleck gets new symbol for Justice League movie.
Anon gets blazed
Anon eats pistachios
Proof that the Hawking time-travel party actually worked
me as a dictator
Time is a flat circle
This is why we war
If Pixar made Star Wars The last Jedi
Eye, eye.
They call me Al Pasheepo.
Anon finds a reason to live
When your friend's Hallowe'en party invites are so epic that Canada Post thinks they were damaged in the mailstream .
It took 100 years for cricketers to realize that brain is as important as balls
I painted this for my gynecologist.
Probably the best costume
They hate America.
Couldn't be more true
hugelol userbase in einer nussschale
o boi, its 3 am
Thursday the 12th
Found at Pak ‘n Save supermarket in New Zealand
The most magical place on earth
The memer wheel
Texting in class - Level: Expert
Spite cures all
my wife asked for something to wear for her birthday and she likes 90's music so I made her a shirt
Faceswapped my brother and my daughter. I will never stop laughing at this.
i feel bad for this guy
I Do It, Than I Win...
Couldn't figure out why my wife was in such a good mood after an argument
Wait, what position does he play?
After a long exhausting day at the park.
I ***ing love being part of a plane!
A real shit post
Dont buy the cheap Crayola's
The biggest plot twist of 2017
Meme machine broke
Im pregnant. My dog-owner friends without kids brag about how awesome is having dogs instead of kids, this is the birthday card they gave me...
When you do not qualify for the position but you still got the job
"why the *** are you on my property?"
just Russian students trying to get the number 55
That's one way to get the Balloon Fiesta started
My grandma would turn over in her grave if she saw this
Betty White is awesome
Some serious /k/ommandos
Essential foreign swear words
Horror film
Ladies and gentlemen, Katie Hopkins.
That Damn Smile
My wife sent this to me
wait who is this man
Styles and Shapes of European Speed Bumps
Was at the VA Hospital today when I ran into this guy and his shirt.
Their feet can barely touch the pedals...cut them some slack
When life gives you lemon, make orange juice
National Coming Out Day