I just found out I am being transferred to Alabama. This is the greeting I am expecting.

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Sporty exhaust
My sister takes Halloween very seriously. Even the dog has to get involved.
I had no idea this was a thing....
This Chinese farmer invented the original backup sensor - it emits a loud squeal when his wagon is too close to an obstruction
If you like someone set them free...
Terrified neighbours call police to 'domestic dispite' - but find man alone screaming at SPIDER
You can't block THE TRUTH
I miss parody movies like this..
Traffic School need to update
That burns so bad even the Dad felt it.
I have some terrible news
Oddly satisfying to watch.
Last supper
First time I’m reading a post that speaks to me as an individual
The top three consderations when opening a new business are, location, location, location.
Work Emails
Ever wondered why purple was never used in flags?
Bro code is important.
There are two types of girls...
Safety first
Everything changes with a different perspective.
Cmon Sharon
Just do it
Reminder to always check your children’s candy
720P vs 4K
Anti-bullying Starts With Parents
Every ***ing halloween
Of course
Subtle signs that you are a real man
Best Air Bud costume review
We`ll be right back!
"This car was seized from a heroin dealer." I might be in the wrong profession
I have osteoporosis
Could be repost: 'Male guide to washing up'
LPT by Buddha
Local pumpkin contest had 2 pumpkins boxing each other!
The frappucino Starbucks ad is so well drawn-- as if it was drawn by an art major.
I was the female version of chunk in fourth grade
And I thought my budget was tight...
$20 is $20 after all
Help Steven
Outstanding balance
When you and your best friend have a strange sense of humor
Wal-Mart should probably start looking into an age limit for their door greeters...
"What should we name this truck?" "Dunno, just pick two random words."
If you google 'Missionary position', the first images are 2 Mormon missionaries in a range of positions.
When that tab of *** is ""accidentally"" open
Best costume I've seen in my entire life. This kid is going places. HEY YOUUUU GUYSSSSSSS!
I don't watch many westerns, but this movie series got pretty dark
Finally! Cooking instructions written for single guys
Wireless Shower Head
So our IT guy went to climb Mt. Everest
"I did naht hit her. I did naht! Oh, hi Thor."
Sponge Beb
anon ***s his mom
7GB is quite weak tho
Gay I'm not
Austin Powers
God I love sequel memes
Heaven’s tasty
Toyota Recall
I thought maybe it was just me....
in search for bob n vagene - the tale of durgesh
When your significant other isnt the brightest...
Japan gets paid by the mile not the hour
This still relevant?
New Satanic Temple Billboard.
How much ship could a ship ship, ship, if a ship ship could ship ships?
What’s yours?
That moment you realise we're in the BAD future
This Ace ventura tattoo
Someone went to the Celtics/Bucks game as Milhouse from the Simpsons and read a Radioactive Man comic during every timeout. Now that's commitment.
Everyone needs such a course
not enough weebmemes here
get bamboozled
Not like this
I'd also rather die, then stop shitposting
These fingers are touching God
My friend's glorious bathroom artwork.
The Last Samurai
Anon is right
He just woke up with no balls.
This man dressed up as a delivery man to steal a case of beer... he deserves it
Spoopy Scary Skeletons
Ay Harambe
Trying to fit in like
My hotel had a “special requests” box when reserving. I told them I feel more at home with a framed photo of Christopher Walken
Thanks a lot, google.