My wife casually mentioned that she forgot to take birth control this weekend... then we woke up to this on our microwave this morning

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Some of these puns are dino-poor.
I only bought one ink package
This tree doesn't like its neighbors
First time in team history...
What my neighbors are up to at 3am
A seedy job
Wait, I didn't even...
here fixed it
Good Service
Fight Capitalism now for the low, low price of $375!
Doggo is Doggay
We Ain't Found Shit
As if high school wasn’t hard enough....
Is there anything worse than a Lego for stepping on in the middle of the night?
Polish firefighter reacts to a girl stretching
Alright SoundCloud, you've gone too far.
Not very
When it's the second day of your diet but you see this...
no swearing in the comments please
Drawing the short straw.
Sportsmanship: it's way over-rated
Whoever thought of this is a bloody genius.
Costumes against humanity
Cousin Eddie to the rescue!
Something my coworkers added to our office
"Things have gone wrong somewhere"
D&D. This always gives me a headache from laughing too hard. I haven't seen it around, so here you go.
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names: So he murdered them....
People we need to stand together!
untitled meme
Great name for an author! No wonder she has sold over a million books
Pass those wings
My father went to Knott’s berry farm and this was the only picture he sent.
Every guy who’s had a girlfriend has been through this
Colorado's silhouette doesn't have the same recognizability as other states
The funniest line in Stanger Things.
Be sure to pay attention when grabbing cream cheese this holiday season.
You had one job, Whole Foods sign maker.
Banks hate this man!
Some designer at Apt. 9 is a low-key Star Trek fan.
Every November
Retail in a nutshell
With all the recent Hollywood events..
Dating in 2017
One Xbox one X box
I think my friends cat thinks hes human..
Probably the most perfect face swap ever
Just sent this digital gift card to my brother... thanks Amazon!
old, succesfull meme + new meme format = karma?
My son is basically a potato with hands and doesn't smile yet, but he does do this...
snip snap
Barbie has some other uses
Something went wrong..
Pennywise found my weakness.
So this is what Jo-posting feels like
no man
when she finally shows bobs
My cat was not ready for Dinovember
So Orlando Bloom uploaded this on his verified Facebook Page.
ye s
Provide him with toilet paper
gay ppl have bonus rights
*screams in freedom*
I got my twin brother a card for his birthday.
How TF am I supposed to poop?
It's time to shitpost
S stands for SWAMP
Figured we needed an update
Remember, remember the Vth of November.
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names....... So the other reindeer had a little accident.
Got the butthole all ready to go.
When it’s November and someone tells me to have a Merry Christmas.
Kra kra
Kevin Spacey's reputation...
Playful kitty
My friend's engagement photo they sent out. Seems legit.what do you think
This malaysian shampoo ad is ridiculous
There is no other option
Me every single day.
Do not board!
I rarely use any Instagram effects but sometimes I find that a subtle use of tilt-shift really draws your eyes in to focus on the main subject of the photo.
If life gives you lemons, hey, free lemons!
Michael Scott: Train Conductor
spooky season ain't over
Worst thing in the world