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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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w t f is language
Slav RPG
Kim Corgdashian
My cousin Ethan got an 11/12 on his spelling test, but spelled his name wrong.
No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of this motion picture
This Billboard in my College Town
Well seasoned with fries
This cat pretending to be a whole roasted chicken
Our IT guy hung this on his window.
Found my high school water polo picture...not much has changed
We taught my little sister how to text yesterday, this is her first text to me ever.
My wife seriously left this for me this morning.
this eagle taking a walk
Shut up man!
One of my friends just bought a vape, and he reminds me of one of my all time favorite comics.
still don't believe in evolution?
Kevin Spacey's character in A Bug's Life is tucked away backstage at Disneyland
Life guide
A new comic from my one of my favourite comic writers Matt Melvin previously from Cyanide and Happiness.
Where do you see yourself in 40 years?
This cat at my local shelter really doesn't like people
How did you even get here?!
Kevin Spacey, Colorized, 2002
Ash watched some Ricky Martin
the original fidget spinner
Apple's Big Win...
I like to surprise my roommate...
Save some money on bills
Listen Pandora, now is not the time.
Stand up for what you believe in
comparing apples to oranges... haha gettit
24 years later, Jazz still has a point...
Also social interaction
Came home from to find my stoner roomate had made our toilet a throne.
I'm confused
Push button, receive party?
This clears things up
No swearing on my christian twitter server
The combined faces of actors in Hollywood
I m Impressed.
Chiki briki i v damke!
First snowfall. First good driver award.
Late, just like the day I was born.
Meanwhile, in London.....
It's 4 am and I'm wasting time creating memes that will get downvoted to hell
I too tried to make peppermint swirl soap, I have some fatty bacon rolls now.
yeah ofcourse i went to a party this weekend check this epic pic
Man, dude was really committed to being a dick...
He will Return...
At least we know Meryl Streep will be there!
Things change as you get older
Won't somebody please think of the children
This man got clowned
That’s horrible! Why would they do that?
Chads back at it again
Morgan, Freeman
Could finally afford a house with a French style garden...
"Meh" - The Sky
Winners Yell
The very reason why I don't shop online
Hooray I'm useful! I'm having a wonderful time.
An apple a day
Things my teacher can do better...
is there an app that throws rocks over 300m?
i think her mirror is broken...
educational meme
Poor Man so deep in the friend zone..
With Fries Please
What a cliff hanger...
He's probably running a meme page too
Ban assault bread gun attachment
When I see an unattended loli
The RIOTS were worth it
Night Cleaner enthralled by kinetic sand
Real heroes don't wear capes
Bought a drone. Now how do I make it fly?
Damn, Beatles, that’s harsh
Is this rhetorical??
This is basically going to be the news tommorw
Now this is a fantastic idea!
This is adorable!
When you try to make peppermint swirl soap and it comes out looking like raw meat.
There's always that one chance.
this is 4chan irl
Glad we understand eachother
Why is my pizza guy commando?
Hay, girl hayyy
In my family when we get blackout drunk, people write down what you say and hang it on the fridge.
i like anime tiddies
but blondes aren't good at math
Two more days
Traveling through middle of nowhere Louisiana makes for some interesting sights.
Memes of an AR15 theme