“Pick up a hitchhiker, because they might be running away from a prison inmate.”

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Mouse Trap 2.0
Use the forc-....never mind.
Why you should riot
Nintendo you ***ed up
I, too, gave up work 5 years ago to travel, write and live with nature. Didn’t quite make it.
A water line busted on my street and caused my neighbor's mail box to sink into the ground
My money is on crunchy boi
Yes pls
All is not lost... overnight, the EA Board elected a new CEO
Jack Black leading an army of Po-pandas.
anon learns math
Was relevant years ago, and still is
A co-worker is having a girl. Thought we'd congratulate him.
I'm back
It's in the glass!
There's just so much going on here...
Officer pls
Things I love
I am a realist, the glass is too big.
***ing brilliant
Cool cool cool
Lol fam
Show some respect.
When your son leaves a present for Santa and inadvertently apologizes for humanity
crumb dealer
so close ...
Life expectations.
Admins are fags, non-posters whine about HL's bad quality? Wolves it is
Ture facts
can relate
What dishes?
I added Krampus to this thrift store painting.
TWO WATER BREAKS???!?! TWO??? Impeach this man right now!!! THink of THe Children!!1!!
Don’t send nudes
How to enter and exit the friendzone automatically
Y e s
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the...Holy Shit!
Think again
Finally finished the Christmas decorations!
I wanna buy this just because of the sticker
Trans Am bird on hood of a Prius
Paying for early access is a good idea
They're not ***ing kidding.
Wanna go for a...?
Seconds Before Disaster
Golly, nature sure is amazing!
A little twist on an old classic
I'd say she has a little bit of an advantage on defense
Let's learn colors
Shitposting before internet gets taken down again.
Gdammit Zippy, we talked about this
Delet Dis
I think my buddy is enjoying his assignment in Japan
I thought they were announcing the death of their child.
I love England
I just wanted to enjoy my candy.
She's got this
An overwhelming amount of diggity
Keep the rules consistent
Damn George Bush
My coworker got me good. I thought my computer mouse was broken.... nope.
Yo momma's so fat, her IKEA bed came with...
Ask me that again and look into my eyes.
Can I take It For A Spin
Teaching level= legendary
Birb 2
A friend was asked to bring in a plate for morning tea at her Breast Screening workplace. Mammograhams.
How to Smile
The Real Reason Obi Wan Won...Thanks EA!
Totally not a coup
EA is the Dark Side
Can't hank up
I'll have 6 soups please
it all makes sense...
And now an unexpected ass whoopin
89-Year-Old Japanese Grandma Discovers Photography, Can’t Stop Taking Hilarious Self-Portraits Now
Well when you say it like that...
Too late to tuna this around now .
Don't post about dying if you're alive
Haha nope
Thanks Obama
The Inbetweeners
Good Design.
These vegans have reached their final forms
Birb 3
The new logo from EA!