Turns out they drain the pond in my local park during winter. This swan obviously didn't get the memo.

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When someone says 'think outside the box'.
Gotta love how passionate people are about math
We must band together!
Went to a house party where 5 girls lived :)
He’s got the right idea...
My son's note from his "Take Your Kid to Work day" observations.
"Feel the force flow through you "
I give him 30 seconds.
I’m outta here!!!
Birthday card from my son. What a legend!
Jeff Goldblum rates tattoos of Jeff Goldblum
Taking a moment to reflect
Cats are learning...they are becoming aware.
Says a sign in Las Vegas.
I forgot a soda in the freezer and a dick appeared in my bottle when the ice partially melted
I thought she looked familiar too.
Someone explain the hate against EA in comments, they've always been hated so what made it this bad?
These HD 5.1 glasses are on point
The universal sign of "i may or may not make myself another sandwich"
When Gondorians are reporting your post and you've had enough
One night stands
Andre the Giant DA GAWD
Watch out for Wendy
When you don't participate in riots by still upvote every post
My ISP just posted this on Facebook
Adults insult you, kids describe you.
They see me trolling..
The naked truth about trust
Everybody has dreams....
Lord Cat!
Roses are red, butter is creamy,
Dramatic buildup on most American TV shows.
Smoothest. Snow. Ever.
How long do you have to grind to unlock the senate though?
Nico Nico... 空襲サイレン
Thats a nice rearview mirror
Tell me why I thought this lady’s hair was a dog wearing sunglasses.
Seize the moment!
I really shouldn't find this funny....but the magic 8 ball doesn't lie.
See the TITLE for just another 19.99$
The milks gone bad...
Just a little water potato
Reality can be quite ironic
Guess who bought loot crates.
That's a risk, alright.
Ikea keeping it real
Don’t be fooled by this retreat
Car trouble?
slice of freedom
Fabulous hair
Man’s not hot
How my mind works most of the time.....
University of Northern Arizona has a pretty great error message
Time to work on the family farm
Caught a picture of my cat at the best time
Join the riots!
As a teacher, I’m furious. As a human, I can’t stop laughing on the inside.
I'm a Graphic Designer. I made this for my boss, the Creative Director.
Prepare yourselves for the Thanksgiving math jokes
It was there the 'hole time
I'm sure they've both got a valid excuse...
Whenever I feel sad I look at this
This is why we riot.
Unfortunately I️ play this game every morning for work.
The white hand of Saruman
I knew she looked familliar
The one photo in my collection that ALWAYS makes me laugh
In science class
"Work until your bank account looks like a phone number"
Jim Carrey playing Fire Marshall Bill in background of Liar Liar. All the extras start laughing in background.
My uncle's a firefighter. One of the kids they rescued drew up a thank you note...
is minecraft still funny
pope of the people !
"I know it but I don't think I should say it."
Hello neighbor, spare some honey?
My rage is untethered and knows no bounds
boping the baloney
Another famous person who can't show his face in public anymore
The Final Boss
No break for me
“Hi mom I got myself a job!”
cat-proofing Christmas
Be yourself
I’m the EGGMAN.
>inb4 RIOT memes wave
When the boys get access to that premium crunchyroll account
The employees never noticed
First day on the job and supposed to watching a training video...
I figure the tall one is their leader.
Just what I had in mind
Quality Boobs