I just got my Cards Against Humanity day three gift. I had a good chuckle and thought you all might enjoy the thoughtful letter.

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He thought she wanted to shake :(
The most American bumper sticker ever!
Describe your life with a webm
Hahahaha got you guys so bad
It snowed in Texas last night. Here’s what the traffic message boards told us.
Sounds like someone has a rusty ground harness
Its my coworker's last day so we made a pillow for the office to remember him by. He wasnt happy.
This picture is what comes up when you type "Sexual Predator" on Google.
When the media can’t even agree on saving a rabbit...
What happens when you show your uncle Photoshop. Still a classic
Classic case of mixed feelings
David Blaine after a trick
Pepe Le Pew fired from Warner Bros Amid Alleged Sexual Harassment Allegations
Here goes my account
Angry girlfriend
Let's get it over with already
My mother would be very disappointed
I work at a photography store in Norway. This was our Christmas card this year.
Leave me alone
You are Powerless
1... 2...
My girlfriend left me a note.
guess he'll die...
Photo of the year potential right here.
This is physically possible though.
Director's Cut
Santa looking like hes gonna risk it all. at Christmas
True art
That reply
My dad passed away in late October. This is what i found when i was going through his computer.
Southern California
Wheezing intensifies...
Old af
I think I entered the twilight zone at Tim Hortons.....
I turned 40 yesterday and I have a stomach ache.
stay woke
My wife and I went retro for our Christmas card portrait this year.
I told you, man, follow the nose.
I would love to see the critical failure
Not at all heroes wear capes
My wife and I don't agree on how to decorate a tree. 4 years ago we started this as a joke and it is still going strong.
As an Asian, this can at work telling me to 'crose rid' was quite insulting
Elevator in Mike Tyson's house.
Still one of my all time favorites
Passed by the best Christmas decoration I've ever seen while on my way to work
Taught GF my hobby of finding accidentally funny license plates. She just sent this. So proud
I actually dont know, Boats?
In the Netherlands the most annoying word of 2017 is gender neutral
For my money, it has to be racecar
The Simpsons predicted the end of Fox
This man looks like a cross between Brad Pitt and Elijah Wood
Y'all know how the Slavs make music with a tap?
I think Youtube overestimated my income
Not all superheros are born the same way.
Jason Momoa decided to check out a local basketball game last night. The woman in the back is a little smitten.
It works
Im coming out of my mini retirement only to post greentexts, no normie posts, no webms, just texts
Youtube gems 27
Thats just impressive
Get learned how to make stuff more deader
Well... a Scout is honest.
thomas the dank engine
My friend's dog ate a pot brownie yesterday
British guy here, flew to Vietnam to meet my Aussie mate. Told him I wanted him to. Have a sign for me while waiting for me to cross through customs. Guess which one he is.
Spotted in Thailand - at least they're honest!
Or feminism
My buddy snapped a pictured of this on his way to work
That washing machine has more musical talent than me
two stories for the price of one
The Puppy Test
It says, "We're paying twenty grand to the guy who can kill that local cop with a moustache"
I’m positive this belongs here.
The smartest boy in the highschool.
Position Open
Nanny State
Laugh while you still can
We’re less than a month away...
Was an amazing year
I need this dog
VR Super Mario 64
So many posts, not a single reference
Youtube gems 28
and the Slavs are playing music with their tap again. Oh by the way, can I offer you some tap water?
Birb uses Alexa
A sequel I could get behind
No ice cream, no smoking, unicorn OK
What a phenomenal discovery!
Not the right place to put quotes
Santa wrapped them
Hammer shaped cookie dough doesn’t turn into Hammer shaped cookies..
You found Birb *gained 6 xp