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<This ugly son of a *** is making OC only and is getting free karma and basically, you are ***ing stupid. How?... Just Watch The Free Video> [59]

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Updated for 2018
Nicest Mom or Incest Mom?
Define your role
In the East Orient, born and raised...
Don't worry California, I got you
Google can be funny sometimes
"My grandma got a label maker"
The answer is right there
When you show up to a fight and bring your boys with you
Don't worry, you can still get service...for money
I hope I'm this cool when I grow up
Came Wit The Posse
ben is a hoe
Apparently you can request a visit from Mormon missionaries. And I thought someone might like to make some new friends...
Found this flyer near my apartment. And I thought it was my cat eating all of the arachnids...
i think i missed my stop
No longer do I need to wonder, woman.
We need an updated version for 2018.
Just keeping it real
Ah Roger, my kinda guy
Tip jar at my local pizza joint
This mug from the University of North Texas
No joke. She fought through it for a full minute before bringing it to us and saying the tooth paste was gross.
"Monty Python Life Of Brian is still relevant today"
Here’s my ticket, don’t wake me....
Bad boys, bad boys
Comcast knows how to get my wallet out
The *** son of Jon Snow and Sam Tarly
When tea is too hot, but you are an engineer
Fairy tales can come true
Grandma's Christmas ornaments
Sofa king hilarious
My British friend just sent me this.
Was just behind this winner
i hope this meme dies soon
He must be tired
Condoms prevent minivans
During a corporate video shoot this past week. This guy walked right into the shot not knowing we were rolling. Couldn’t have lined up more perfect
First day of college vs day you pay off student loans
The Human Santapede Christmas Card
Nothing works betterererrr
Current state of Star Wars vs Star Trek
My coworker got this postcard delivered at work. My sides.
Reindeer on strike
A friendly reminder
My neighbors ain’t playing around!
Siri, don’t you play with me!
Livin' the life
My friend with “piss poor” timing snapped this gem yesterday.
Another Sign of Old Age
Disney bought fox. Xenomorphs come from a queen. Soooo....
A mother wrote to Pencils manufacturer about her left-handed daughter's needs and they responded
Don’t dream it, be it!
Some amazing person bringing happiness to all
And nothing gets me down
REALLY makes you think
My local dive bar has a kids menu
My uncle who just finished an 8 hour weld job on his knees in below freezing weather just sent me this photo.
The Arizona 101 this morning
Thanks. You Too.
There’s a lot to unpack here
FCC is why
Eurobeat makes everything better
Well...... when you put it that way
Oh bother!!
tru lov
Is it just me or does michael O'Rielly look like one of the monsters from spirited away?
all against one
The most important question about Star Wars
Hello 911
I wish someone would be here for me
The hero we need in these trying times
We need a Flat Mars Society
Hrmm, *holds Reeces cup*
We did it!
How wholesome
Saw this at Target today
Damn, how hard is it to spell "Michael?"
My husband doesn't pay attention to me so I bought this wreath at Hobby Lobby and told him I made it from pine cones I found in the yard. He now thinks I'm a craft wiz. We don't even have a pine tree!
Are you ready kids !
The Battle of the ***s looks like the PS2 launch day
Internet is kill
I'm here for you
Gingerbread knight
No one deserves him
Bad cough? This might help.
Muffin or Chihuahua?
Man, rough way for a hand puppet to go out