My gf does pranks to show her affection. I went to use my computer, but my mouse wasn't working...

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Credit card chip reader in a head shop
Shrek is love
How to hack bus stop ad
Double Holy
Missed me, ya losers.
Wonder who is alpha here
Delorean Monster Truck
Available WiFi on my flight. I’m cheap but not that cheap.
The love of your life wil appear in front of you unexpectedly
The Future is Now?
Custom Door Handle
How many times have you done this?
When something is so sad it's funny
Princess Leah holding two light sabers, viewed from behind.
My biography, only $9.99!
Anyone else enjoy washing dishes?
What's up my Negar
How to keep children away from Tide Pods
President strikes again
Told them to write joke on each box...
Switzerland during both World Wars
Sign game on point.
With the Superbowl next week let us not forget
I was gonna make fun of his name, but I'll leave that for another day
deserved it
who dis
And they all wore suits!
Netflix is getting creative with its categories
Some guys just like to feel sexy when they travel.
My cousin made this for her mom on mother's day.
When you're the last to order your food but it's ready first
Took a pic of the tv as the camera view was changing, ended up getting an amazing glamour shot of this handsome devil.
Clone wars flashback
Happens to Everybuddy
In honor of Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA
Something wrong
Communist Church Vanifesto
winky face
Working with daddy
Happy little shadow monster
No signal
Science jokes are the best
John Wick alternate ending.
Instagram life versus real life.
This made me
Jack the stripper
Best Wi-Fi names ever!
when HR fires IT person before taking their badge
Goddamn millennials.
*Laughs in metric
When did Uber drivers start wearing uniforms?
Highly suspicious, Elon, suspicious indeed
Ever wondered what you could've achieved in life if your parents would have been rich and loved you?
Skyrim microaggression mod
Anon is a lurker
This relationship is nuts.
It's so hard to eat healthy these days...
Wiretapping potato
John Wick loves his ant
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
He's a master of karate for everyone!
My mom sent me this picture from Hawaii
I told my 5 month old pit bull to stay off the couch, so she cleverly disguised herself as a pillow.
Snacks .
Hell yeah
Courtesy of Instagram.
conclusion: kys
My dad is an amputee. He texts me pics like this often.
Thou shalt covet .
I found this modern day piccaso
A great Valentine's Day gift.
Every job I’ve ever had.
Divorced. Just a man, his van and his cats.
Asked for a McMuffin on a bagel
My wife got the munchies last night and figured this was a good way to bake cookies.
2 sides to every story
How you know an internet trend has gone too far.
When you're tired of instagram ads
Don’t let that innocent face fool you!
Answer carefully Mr. Johnson
To censor captions
Google's dating advice
Browsing Netflix
Ha, can't touch my 13.6 terabytes of transgender midget porn
Cats always are part of a good joke
We made an agreement, best friends forever!
When peoples don't understand u
The loudest sound ever
Let’s see. A five letter word for “happiness...” Money
That guy couldn’t pull out of a driveway
When you want an upgrade but don’t wanna forget where you came from
I hope this works.
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