After today’s space launch this scene from Star Trek voyager seems a little less far fetched

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me irl
Brady pullin' a fast one
When you know you're lost but too stubborn to ask for directions.
Or maybe he wanted to meet his good old friend running that country.
Oh, how the tides have turned...
This one will die soon as well
Yeah you broke piece of shit, buy her a ***ing house.
Take this squiggle 3 times a day
Tea time.
Evolution of the Internet
Never change Vegas
Every day of the year
When you accidentally use Apple maps instead of Google.
The best maternity shirt ever
Broken mirror in a public restroom in San Fran.
This is printed on a circuit board in the Space Tesla
good content
Don’t Panic
I made my wife a shower curtain of me drinking a beer in the shower. She wasn’t impressed.
Ahead of his time.
All of Elon Musk's other cars now
Flat-Earthers right now
Floating in a most peculiar way.
Marketing at its finest!
Got a new doormat today
Randomly received this in the mail and am fairly certain one of my friends tried to prank me. This lives here now.
Beyonce is not the same
My father is the king of space related dad humor.
Al Bundy is the man
bob the thotmaster
By far the best part of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch
Job Reference
Roses are red, green means go...
Make the best of a bad situation
And then he realized things could get a little out of hand tonight...
1970: in the year of 2018 we will have flying cars! 2018:
This handwritten sign posted at Tim Hortons, in Vancouver
As a Canadian, this is how I cool down my food during the winter
"Woah" - Owen Wilson
Pablo Escobart
Makes my childhood is ruined. Thanks Disney!
forbidden video
Get it right
Hurry up, UPS man.
What Bitcoiners see vs. What everyone else sees
Do not breed pug with other breeds
I photobombed my buddy at the Super Bowl. Great minds think alike...
Welcome to Sweden! This really is where everyone gets off the train.
Sphere is a powerful thing
Is this what life in Croatia is like?
Makes for good dogs
Hah so true
Kid whatever you do, always excel at it.
I love'em, you Love'em
Officer! It's actually funny what happened....
Or should we say, it has blossomed.
My husband always forgets to put a new roll of toilet paper on. Today he didn’t forget
Checkmate everybody
Optional boss fight
Excited for the olympics??
History 3
Nailed it... all the way back in '97
tfw you're high in public
You ain't have idea what to do next!
if you drink enough you'll die which means you're cured
Mums vs Dads
All the way up...
100 yrs of fashion.
Will you marry .....oh shhit. ..
These Lefties are getting out of hands with their rhetorics
$9 deer
Pick your fighter
I miss him
Dear Abby,
This was my Uber driver the other day and I would trust her to drive me anywhere
he will go down
waw . i once thought about that
I swear, one minute it was fine and then the next was like this
The sticker I got out of this machine at a Mexican restaurant.
Potato on potato
Any damage to my health?
Man locks his head in a cage in an attempt to quit smoking. Wife has the key and only opens it for meals
Rare pic of Kylie Jenner before giving birth
Poor prince:(
Funniest thing to happen in my local paper
I hear you like this sign, so here you go!
These guys get it
These motorcycle races are getting out of hand
Couldn’t fight the urge