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Lurking since the purge. Saw the bot wars and the admins tantrums. I contribute as little as possible to this community.

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We never grow up.
Me when my classmates are discussing their answers after the test
My next life...
how could he
First image leak of VW's self-driving car
the -10 are worth
Damn beta furry's
Canada bring the banter
Guy unlocks secret character Snailtrail in Mortal Kombat X
I've seen it all.
When Massachusetts drivers just don't care anymore
So today my nana showed me some of her favorite websites
This Ice Cream Shop sign.
Nostalgic meets current
The age limit on the new game I just bought
When we both took pictures of each other
I wanted to hang this over our bed... Wife said no.
Happy St paddy's day
This triggers me so hard
Andy said what everyone is thinking right about now
Uplifting quote
Caution!! Dangerous Road.
Good guy onion
My kind of marathon
Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!
Say what you will about Fox News. You gotta admit, this tag line is 11/10.
Rub it in why don’t you.
10-4 rubber ducky looks like we got ourselves a convoy
Better run
Why I am not on social media anymore
miss me with this weeb shit
"So, what kind of memes do you like?" Me:
Mitch Hedberg, by me.
dear god
Anon get motivated.
A guide to regional pizzas
Bystander gets demolished
R.O.B. has been working out
Well that's no fun.
Comic strip, by me.
Black Science Man is a Linux Fanboy
The place where miscellaneous shit goes to die!
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
Toddler made me breakfast
Leaking baby video of Katman
Sometimes I think I feel like I should kill myself, maybe take some others with me... Wait no!!
I made a Wood Logo in my woodshop class, what do you guys think? Its not done yet.
Matt Foley Lives
Why don't they GET it?
Rare look at Snapchat UI developer team
This passive aggressive car sticker...
The government is lying to us.
The truth hurts
Man Hit By Train.
Ok, the truth: What's your secret identity?
RadioShack Ohio’s Facebook Page Posted This
Be nice toTerry.
windows 14
In cold weather always check under the hood for animals that like the warmth, like cats and, um, chickens.
Just like computers
Fair play.
Nice shirt.
Traveling is always fun
"Shit... should have left the weed in the car..."
Dude c'mon Kris...
What guys see when girls do yoga
Valley boyz
Looking up to your parents
About right...
I had no idea how rough women have it.
But why? It fits
Fortnite < PUBG
Out with the Gru in with the new
c o n f u s e
I never knew
I might need some steroids
How to keep the cats downstairs
Steven Adams
not a bad idea
51 likes plz
Authentic Australian cuisine
play again?
I can't let go
Image that may be real.
Met one of those guys from the math problems tonight.
Say...isn't he that actor?
According the the Man Code, he must continue to try for at least 20 minutes before admitting his error.
No need to sign
Simpsons predicted it again!
Is that a 'JoJo' reference ? !
To NY!