When you get summoned to the judiciary committee for leaking users personal information for more than 10 years.

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I implor u to spare the yoddler
I can't believe he's all grown up now!
The one thing women really like in a garment
How I felt the first time I smoked weed and went out in public.
Shoutout to the PTA at my kids' elementary school for the most hilariously honest fundraiser I've ever seen.
“What’s in my pants? Are you hitting on me?”
Favorite roommate
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
What a well-rounded joke
Always pet doggo, no matter the situation!
My hotel is sending me mixed messages...
After sex selfies are trending again
Muhammad Gets Roasted
Zuckerberg swearing in
My wife, a Venezuelan smartass
The hacker 4chan never disappoints
Lemme think
Netflix at it again!
Your Uber will be here in 6 Months!
This is wrong on so many levels
When you believe too much
Wow, Wendy's, you guys are harsh.
Welcome to Dicksville, Indiana. Population : 18
This spare tire made me chuckle
More Precious Than The iphone Itself.
Post Malone circa 2011
I belive him
u wot m8
McDonald’s McNugget price logic
This is everything.
anon is an american citizen
"He's right behind me, isn't he?"
Shinji get in the ***ing robot
The animal control we need
It doesn't get more Canadian than this.
Anon helps a poor girl
Zuckerberg's true form.
Co-worker brought in roller skate sugar cookies
My boyfriend’s dog is getting a little bigger than we thought she would...
zuck trying to be human. not very hard when the option is built in
Celebrating bday with 3 best friends
1, 2, 3-4-5...
Every monster has it's weakness..
Need money for DNA test.
My grandma’s garage door opener broke, She pulled off a siding board & I found her trying to crawl inside through the framing in the walls.
Mark Zuckerberg forgot his wallet on the seat.
Four hours of questioning and all we got was 'meep'
This sign in Phuket
What has been seen.. cannot be unseen.
When you lose your train of thought mid sentence.
The resemblance..
Muda Muda
Looking for a flat in London
Everyone is all serious, then it happens
Define: Stress
A great coincidence happened while watching the Zucc on my phone.
Side by side
We need Bob
All he ever wanted was to be human
Under heavy fire from Congress today, Data claims he was never "mishandled" by Facebook.
Sister of the year
This is so sad can we hit 50 likes?
Danger doggo doing a healthy
Glenn Close is starting to look like Mrs. Doubtfire
Fits in perfectly.
Free Rides!
everyone behind Mark Zuckerberg is on facebook
Mark Zuckerburg sitting on a booster seat
new reaction image for the collection
This Clydesdale was really into having his picture taken with the bride and groom.
I Can't Wait For The Social Network 2
hmm, is this floss?
my baby seems very unsure about bubbles
Very accurate!
What's facebook again?
Call in the Bomb Squad
Being off the grid.
Zuckerberg's totally shitting a brick right now.
How to cook your steak properly
My white cat attempting to hide so I can’t clip his nails.
The legend himself
This is how to change the world
Russia is ready for World Cup 18
Heroes is life
Sweden confirmed they actually have a sense of humor
facebook eh?
/fit/ get motivated
Can I get uuuh-nother?
This snowman in Buffalo reminds me of Calvin. Thought you might like it.
suicide watch
Campfire stories when there are only campfires left.