So my sister is having her bachelorette party this weekend and her maid of honor couldn’t have done a better job.

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There's something disturbing about this
Don't catch you slippinna
Take the HOV lane and the Expectant Mom spot while at it
Finally debunking this stupid Yanny Vs Laurel debate
Nations of the World
When you replace 'wand' with 'penis' in Harry Potter
Dare to be different.
This Face Swap Got Me All Kinds of Messed Up Inside..
Christ appeared to me on a bruise
Is there any other way?
Seen at my local 7-11. Deadpool 2 Marketing has been damn impressive!
The Cop is the real MVP here.
I think Hallmark is missing out on a huge market- graduation from med school. Hella proud of my cousin!
Enough internet for me today, thank you.
First date advice
I'm going to have to draw blood
Capitalism must end
By the power of mega millions!
Soon after, Brian was never heard from again.
That'll show them
Decisions, decisions
Plus the toy is totally worth it
Need someone as dedicated as this guy in a relationship...
Pros and cons of dating locations
Give this man an award!
I’m not that weird after all
Bo's advice
You get what you pay for.
The ultimate hide and seeker
Buying 1000 likes for $5
This is going too far NotLikeThis
I ain't buying it!
natural language evolution
Destiny stuff, you know...
Probably telling her “NO CAPES!”
What do I do meow?
Lets change stop
I may have found a cause
This Pakistani dress has the shutterstock watermark on it
No, Sarah, just no
The truest one of these so far
I want
Hand off my fries Missy!
Bad luck Tom
Angry note from Asian housemate
Seen in a bathroom
Just because you are unique does not mean you are useful.
This is Demurica
Luke Bryan
Actor cosplay
How to protect yourself from rape
My mom dug up this old photo of me in my homemade duct tape suit
All the freaking time....
Gotta love windows
The plot thiccens
Norton in a nutshell
Full version
The school asked each child to bring a fish
Saw this at my local card shop
Marvel & DC counterparts.
Anon gets hunted down
Anon is Robin Hood
My dad broke my leg again
Kudos to whomever did this.
If social media sites were real people
Didn't knew they made an eco fueled DeLorean
Excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour?
Time to trim the bush.
Vincent van Whoa
Coworker shared this gem today
An American exchange student got stuck in a statue of a vagina in a German university.
I was deep in thought when...
This is community!
Jurassic Park, except the dinosaurs are from the 90's TV show "Dinosaurs"
Sneaky little Hobbitses
When you have no support in your life but still manage to hold on...
Self-reflection is key
I've found a soulmate !!
No items, Simpsons Only, Bathtub.
Hello there
Symbolism behind the German flag
i always knew this day would come
This billboard
How to nail a job interview
First haircut thank you letter ...
2 ways to look at life
Shrek is filled with helium.
It's real..
For the Royal Wedding tomorrow, my child’s nursery said the kids can dress as Princes or Princesses. We went for The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.
mmmm good
Cycle of life!
Somebody hacked the electronic road sign on a busy street in my town.
Enjoy some OC
P R O T E C Smile
I'm hoping my Sgt doesn't notice
Deadpool 2