My dad is nearly 70 and not especially computer savvy. However, he learned "an internet saying" and put it on my Amazon Christmas gift receipt.

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Yup... That address seems legit
My Interview strategy
Someone please tell Sarah Conor that the terminator is here ...
And you know this, man.
"American" Food according to the British
Someone wrote a message in my yearbook
Who did this :)
If I could bill a doctor for every time they made me wait...I’d be rich
Paw patrol marathon it is.
Wow ABC's moving FAST
This is my dog. Her name is Squanchy.
Amazing new tech
something something feminism
Saw this gem while waiting at a light
What a shitty car
Lastu Avengeru
Subtle face-swap
It's not a boulder, it's a rock!
You're not wrong...
Is this metasome or wholeta?
If you can do this you should to be allowed to
"We've updated our privacy policy"
Anon is from outer space
Not from the Jedi
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Whenever Revolver0celot places a comment
A remix of an oldie
It's never too late!
No fuqs given at my local DQ today.
Can I have your autograph?
When your class and stats are shit, but you're rolling 20s
German Cat
Balloons deserve education too!
Please be patient
Good Song
A group of hipsters eating lunch
can you blame him though
Amazon promoting imagination
Salad brain
The Stories Were Cut Short... Bring On Part 2!
This was in the office today
like to release!
Apologies Accepted.
Adorable family photo.
Fair point my dude
Anon sees his mother
Video gaming is life
hhhhhhh try
Thai police officer having fun on the job
Don't ban me please
If you think professionals are expensive, hire an amateur ...
Turn the table on!
Who’s the unlucky host for their parasites?
Wounded warrior project
Stripper Brows
Face Reveal 2019
Can anyone else hear this photo?
world peace achieved
Battlefield V Official Trailer
The Far Side never gets old...
I need my 8hrs...
Directed by Tim Burton
Student life in an image
Women on social media
hhhhhh true story
Optimist, Pessimist and Realist
"The Tortoise and the Hare" the Short Version
Ugh, Kaaaren *eyeroll*
What’s there to lose at this point
Top Gear is the BEST
Well.... shit
Hate when that happens ://
God's Plan - Drake
Picked this up from a local pawn shop. And everytime now we got the mall, she gets a lil conscious!!
What is the age of consent?
Really be like that tho
He needs some therapy
its ok to be different
Graduation photos: expectation vs. reality
Actually, you can be more clever.
***in love Gordon Ramsay
They have all been sighted on Front, the end is nigh
When nature join the game
Boss baby.
Top 10 Questions Scientists Still Cant Answer
Offday suit
This dollar bill I got as change today
Mad respect
Progress pic - so proud of myself guys