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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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How to scare random people
Yes they do
Wiser words have never been spoken
Welcome aboard!
Tumblr gold
Well, that sucks.
Well he has a point...
Tell him more!
Seems legit
I... What?
I just masturbated to...
Good Idea!
Wand duel...
The Power of the Pause Button
No more Mr. Nice Guy
Thats how you troll a friend.
Most Disturbing NSFW Comic of 2012 Nominee
Why so curious?
He's got a point
Grumpy cat
Bet that bench is unstable
Restroom philosophy
Ya wanna bwuy som meth?!
Looks like Yugi is screwed.
I think it is pronounced "tomato"
This is so mesmerizing
If only Michael Jackson knew this....
Smart is the new sexy
Just got caught
That was unexpected
I don't even.......
Do you even flip?
Spiderman in mexico
What is this place?!?!
Thank you internet
Right in the Childhood
Happy new year
Master of pizza!
I wonder how the machine got impregnated...
Levitating pizza!
I have met socially awkward pinguin
Well he did start it with a different shirt
When the teacher says we need a partner for the next assignment
The Final Episode
I just had a brief look on him but...
Nickelodeon sure has changed...
When a posts gets less votes than I thought.
Oh youtube
There still nothing like the tower of sauron
Leap of faith
Thats what parents think will happen
Yes please!
Just avenge them later
Dat pussy
I love science!
Rocking the sax!
Heartbreaker Cat!
Come at me b... never mind
Oh you, assassin
Pure timing gold
Drinkers damage their brain.
Can't touch this
Silly spidey
Never piss off an engineering student during finals
Just Scrat..
Minecraft HD
Why can't we have ninjas like this in all the cinemas?
The end is near
Facebook attention wh*res
Do you think this is a mutherf*cking joke?
I still don't get this...
A Pokeflute won't be enough...
Some awesome science stuff
Glasses, they change you
So thats how they are made
Too much free time
How Lil Wayne writes "songs"
It ruined the rest of my life...
My grandma made some new friends in london
Be Very Afraid
When you see it you'll sh*t bricks
Oh hey, a ball!
Northern Water tribe IRL!
The past
The Wet Dog Technique
Worst terrorist ever!
Gotta love KFC
Brace yourselves
Emma pls
So Manly..
It was 10% off
Good old days
Stay Classy, Mother Nature!