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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Gotta love KFC
Brace yourselves
Emma pls
So Manly..
It was 10% off
Good old days
Stay Classy, Mother Nature!
This is why Usain Bolt is one of my favorite athletes
I guess that's the secret
I love Patrick
Fred Rechid
Well played Ron, well played
I am the crab lord!
Lol, bye, bro!
Dat smile
Women don't fart... FB
That one guy in class.
He is playing too much FPS games
My roomate made a sign
She took a bit too far... or deep?
Go shove a K up your ass
Defenition of outlaw
Active Volcano sounds nice..
...and I do
Well then..
All the time
Brown eyes
Thor gets sh*t done!
But i.....just...oh man f*ck
Ridiculously Photogenic Prisoner
Quickly! They`re getting away!
Im sorry utorrent...
Mario is getting tired of this sh*t
Super Chuck Norris
Hold my beer!
Nothing beats the smell of rape in the morning...
So this happened at the office
The perfect assasin machine!
Old time
I need one right now.
That moment...
I would probably kill that douche!
Grumpy cat slaps all
Bear Grylls in New Zealand
In woodwork class
Giant Rats
Watch out Call Of Duty!
Like a boss
Slap of the century
It's morphin' time
My hero
The Power of Spinach!
Stop ducking!
Going to the bar
Can't beat the Simpsons!
He's got a point...
Having sex at my parents house
Good guy hitler
Should be done to some people
We f*cked up
Rules are rules
There can be other uses if you know what i mean...
Chef Dog
Ball of justice!
Omegle strikes again
Your argument is invalid
Easy, easy now. Don't mess... f*ck it!
Dog derping around
Lemme see it!
Spoiled b*tch
Like Sims
I'll just put this here.
Epic dude is epic
Modern technology.
I dont think that this was meant
He's got some issues!
She will save us all
Luckiest catch ever.
Just Youtube
Well Sh*t
Completely accurate!
Forever Alone :(
Dafuq is that
I'd kill for her job...
There's nothing better.
Meanwhile in Mordor
Ma' nigga
I love that movie
Does it take more?
How to sell a lamp
Gonna suck when they have to run to sh*t
Did you know?
A very unconventional track race.
Is this racist?
Did NOT see that coming