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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Grumpy cat slaps all
Bear Grylls in New Zealand
In woodwork class
Giant Rats
Watch out Call Of Duty!
Like a boss
Slap of the century
It's morphin' time
My hero
The Power of Spinach!
Stop ducking!
Going to the bar
Can't beat the Simpsons!
He's got a point...
Having sex at my parents house
Good guy hitler
Should be done to some people
We f*cked up
Rules are rules
There can be other uses if you know what i mean...
Chef Dog
Ball of justice!
Omegle strikes again
Your argument is invalid
Easy, easy now. Don't mess... f*ck it!
Dog derping around
Lemme see it!
Spoiled b*tch
Like Sims
I'll just put this here.
Epic dude is epic
Modern technology.
I dont think that this was meant
He's got some issues!
She will save us all
Luckiest catch ever.
Just Youtube
Well Sh*t
Completely accurate!
Forever Alone :(
Dafuq is that
I'd kill for her job...
There's nothing better.
Meanwhile in Mordor
Ma' nigga
I love that movie
Does it take more?
How to sell a lamp
Gonna suck when they have to run to sh*t
Did you know?
A very unconventional track race.
Is this racist?
Did NOT see that coming
I did nothing to you!
What to do when she says she has a boyfriend
God damn it!
Out with your BFF
Everyday I'm suffering because this add is buffering.
When someone you hate tries to speak to you
Falcon kick!
These feels!
We have to go deeper
True story
Racism vs Fatness
Im going in dry
Remember that time?
When too much homework
Get it off! Get it off! GET IT OFF!
It's so obvious!
Facebook 2
Anti joke siri
Hold my beer.
Vroommmm vrommmmmmmmm!1
A moment of silence
I always wanted to be a ball, lucky them
At the shops spending all my Christmas money.
The harsh reality
Because f*ck you
Facebook 3
Well then
A caring librarian.
Not even the heimlich maneuver can save you
Facebook 1
I'd always fear this if it happened...
His soul
We should totally stab Caesar
Aye f*ck you
Most Likely
When people brag about the iphone they got
The most amazing golf shot you will ever see.
Srsly y
Weird, but effective
When the pizza man arrives
It couldn't have been better said
I read it in her voice