I found this note on my windshield after work. I thought I was pretty good about locking me car doors, but I guess not.

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Love yourself, please hahahaha
Gets me everytime:p
Hiking Tip
Tired of “1st Day of school” posts?
Never been more relevant than now
Strong Bones
That will changer her mind
What a RΛVΣ(俺ミ悦)
And in 1998 when Bobby Boucher showed up at half time to help the Mud Dogs win the Bourbon Bowl
What I wouldn't give to see the rest of this slideshow.
Roaming the streets of Cedar Rapids IA
Ladies, be careful! The more you walk, the bigger your dick gets.
My mom thought it would be funny to send me this prank postcard "because love desserts"
wholesome :)
Lizard Dad and Furniture Store clash
Get baked at 400 degrees for 18 minutes
So you want a billio....
my ding ding dong
Become the clean machine
Vsauce, Michael here
Who's responsible for this?!
This is the post that makes me laugh every time I see it.
Snibedy Snab
"Am I evil? Yes I am!"
Keanu Reeves
Don’t drink and drive because..
Transforming water to wine.
Brilliant safety warning in Ireland
HBD and have fun baking it!
Bro Neighbor
Office Gold
Don’t forget about Neymar
He had to.
The Circle Of 20 To Life
Had me there for a second
Business first
Somebody give the person who designed this a medal
Shiet !
Don't smoke weed kids
Yea, slaying a game of Tennis
C is for cookies
what a time to be alive
That's why I love Japan!
This tiny snake looks like a judgmental shoelace
new boi
This bar door
always glad to know facebook ppl are still dumb af
Reason why you're single?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"I'm helping!"
Good neighbor
Millennial Grandpa
If you have too much intact brain cells this will help you
Cross your fingers Australia
Old school Stories of Strange Adventure.
Crabposting number 2009
Do not drink and drive!
Greatest Shirt of All Time
A nice way to pay tributes...
How to be Happy.....!
Lollipops too
I really do believe he was really great person beyond the fact he gave us so much memes. RIP Karl.
Press #1 to pay respects
My reminder to clean my screen
The Stages of Butter
I forgot actually
My mom pretending to take a scenic picture of my dad at the side of the road. He’s really just taking a leak
This is hotter than 50 shades of grey
By far biggest plot hole in movie history
Flyin somewhere?
The face I made after my cousin said Facebook is private and shows you truthful information
My junk drawer has pens, batteries, screws, Icelandic coins, mints, an old iPhone, and a little jar of honey
I am tooth
What are y'all lookin at?
Just saw this gem online
At my local gym
So I was at lowes today...
When you're an introvert but love God
its the same thing sooooo yeah the difference?
Dont let your dreams be dreams
Soulja boy tell ‘em
Thank you dude!
Frozen theme Dog Birthday
Can we even go deeper?
Lifehack for Unsociables
You may be entitled to a financial settlement
Hello Clarise. Have the lambs stopped screaming?
John Belushi photo bombing Chevy Chase.
This happens to me every day...
When the council forget about a sinkhole in your town
Batman that's the wrong scarecrow