Why does Cardi look like an randomized Oblivion character and Nicki a randomized Skyrim character

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Not the ring they hoped for..
I would love to join your cult!
My cheeky coworkers.
Sword Nuts In Texas
Begone N O R T O N
The east coast right now...
Honesty in my son's homework
You never know when it's going to blow!
Roast them artificials
When you’ve only been living in South Carolina for 3 weeks and a category 4 hurricane is approaching
Foolin' with the Witch's brew
If your dad doesn’t fall asleep like this on the couch at 9pm, is he really your dad?
Why is fall my favorite season?
As long as you love me
Pretty Dizzying...
They tasted good...
Even with a hurricane approaching, people would rather starve than eat vegan food
Can’t find them
Anon gave himself a concussion
"Mom, should i clean the whole house?"
Hurricane prep before having kids and after having kids.
This bar does it all
Old. But classic.
Good bye
Really tho, what's up with that.
Realistic textbook cover
Wait whaaaaat?
And to think there are still people who believe Dwayne Johnson and The Rock are the same person...
George, would you please smile for the camera !?
Bring coffee and hold the customers.
Chris Pratt goes off script on Parks and Recreation
My Helloween Beast
I prefer Vader, less of whiny ***
I see
But those are cobras
I love this place!
Can't tell me what to do
Floral notes of skunk roadkill and citrus
Benefit of having flat chest GF
The stone hand would really hurt too.
Thats got to be the best pirate I've ever seen
got yo ass
Anon stays at a girls place
Puppy on his first flight
A little about me...
Are you all alright ?
Floridans are god like.
Ohh, it certainly hurt
It's a Legit Question.
That cucumber has been to unfathomable places
Just when you think things can’t get any worse.
They're coming for us
McDonald’s Canada is getting ready for marijuana legalization next month
This job does itself
Not sure if this is old or not, just made me laugh
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OMG you are just toooo funny
Michigan DOT humor...
And he would have gotten away with it too...
We all know what that means
The great leader has spoken
Meanwhile in Teachers Room
Nothing will stop us from drinking
This guy from 3018
Rubik's cube.
It's what's for dinner
Me in a god damn nutshell
At least they have a sense of humor about it.
More accurate names
First date locations
A Taste of Freedom
What an unfortunate url
He’s not mean, just a bit stalky
Truth hurts...
Anyone seen this unicorn?
As a family with 6 kids, I approve this message
Modern rappers in a nutshell
Advertising done right..
Hold on a second...
High Level Flirting
At least he didn't try to burn him alive or something
Meeting Keanu Reeves at a traffic light
History channel
To everyone that thinks they are clever for posting nike add knock offs.
Truer words were never spoken
jordan peterson is so inspiring
And people say parents don't have a favorite child...
As long as I live, I will always love Calvin and Hobbes
Somebody at Ferrero really didn't think this through