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Strong Ones...
In Finland there is a button to thank the bus driver while leaving
He finally left the wall
The perfect time for a kiss...
Little Scooby Doo
Help us...
Front Towards Enemy
Vaping man..... it’s world ending
Found this a while ago
As a dad with 4 daughters....yep.
Anon is from Alabama
Maybe another day
Da l0mp
I drive a pencil
You can't say I am wrong
Same scenario, different technology
Your respects are well overdue
Everyone blurs his name but I want to give him some credit for this great joke. He’s got an amazing Channel called fact fiend watch it if you get the chance.
Bored AF!
Chilli sauce names in Australia
Just enjoying the vacation
Neighbour stole my parking lot yesterday. Woke up to this. Birdgods have my back.
you better be scared
Step up Mr. Skeltal
Typical millennial
Happy Birthday, MTV!
Hands down my money would be on the sheep
Time to die I guess.
Can't wait to hit one year smoke free! 7 weeks currently after 14 years of smoking.
Statistician Halloween Humor
Ask again later
Remember when people took online discussions seriously?
Es ist Mittwoch meine Kerle!
doot me up inside
Hail me
Americans right now
Sometimes you have to do this
Uhm Meth.
Anon makes a statement
Best translator wdym
Don't start a debate, just wanted to use this pic
Training fail
oi vey
It is time to haunt that Austrian sponge
When you are tired of your kid
Litterally me
Butter chicken
Better play it cool.
New funny husky?
This parental gate on my app
Yes We Did!
He's gotten himself into a Harry situation...
The real Ron Swanson.
NPCs amirite fellas
Scroll powered
Judging the neighbors
focus on a different character every loop
New spin
She didn't see that coming!
Original Batman was lit af
That's one H*ckin' cute dang doggo
bRaNdoN wHeReS uR nEcK aT
Finally a parking space to overweight men with a webergrill
Why are you running?
Livin' in an AnCap paradise
You can say he got a shocking experience ha... ha... ha...
blast dat thang
Lil’ Hiss
What’s Harvard?
Natural selection is complicated
I will save you, Here I Come : Firefighter
The perfect family doesn’t exi-
It's October my dudes
Gandolf meme
I have gone 26 years on this planet and I never knew that moose were this big. I thought they were slightly bigger than deer.
"Free" trial
Can you lick the science?
For evidence
The template works now
Gave me a chuckle
Spooky earape
Relevant IT Crowd
I pulled out.. of traffic for this one
Amazing :)
Just gonna top it off...
_Good Choice_
+2 skeleton memes per week
Don’t do it..
Fresh from the freezer
Today is October second.