My professor answered his own question on my essay review... I couldn’t stop laughing

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The Chad Stride
I need that
It's like being an archaeologist
There is a significant difference
Great taste and great execution?
RE: Living Paycheck to Paycheck
That 14 year old? April Ludgate.
He can't deal with it
@Adeline_Garrett Tweets About Dogs
Coz the stone ain’t getting me a parking space.
It happens to us all...
Birdie Big Bucks
We're all gonna die anyway.
Fanny packin heat
I am thinking of dressing up as a lawyer for Halloween
Has this been reposted yet today?
An Indian newspaper cartoon
Well, if you’re gonna fall, don’t make a mess...
I guess the breakroom has been on the warm side lately
Always practice safe sex
Can we do this movie after the Sharknado thing dies?
Job Market
Where is your god now
every time
I think some people in here can relate
Pony for sale
A shipping ship shipping shipping ships
Job interviews be like
What do you want from me?
No flirting
Me every time after I went shopping.
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
BMW i3 charging with a diesel motor
This local doggo that is working the system
“The Stars never fail me”
The gummy must flow
Spitting some hard truth
Little girl scared of pumpkin
“What sport do you do?”
Well, it's true...
Maximum erect
Important lesson
Grilling protocol
Its not gay, Runeplate is Runeplate
My nephews school picture envelope was sent home empty, my sister was not happy about that; the pictures came in the mail today, and well she’s not happy about that either.
Memorable graduation day
Mini Cow :)
best quote
Souvenir in Turkey
Mind = Blown
nothing personell tho
Those monsters
It ain’t gonna move itself.
I actually feel sorry for them
Don't Skip Cutscenes
A genius is born
There's a big ring in an intersection in Oklahoma City that says OKC on it over and over. Locals have taken to calling it The *** ring.
This is not ok, THIS IS REALLY NOT OK!
Infringing on student microwave rights
Le Ron James becomes lake.
haha SO true !!! XD lmao that's totally me rn #relatable
Honestly, I'm team kangaroo lol
just 5 more minutes
open window power ..
Saw this masterpiece on the way home from HHN18
Best costume, 2018
There is no way drugs were not involved in this
Just say try
They took the trend a little too far...
If Jim and Dwight had a son he'd look just like this.
Potato masher in a drawer.
Save the pumpkins
Every time it's on TV
A meeting of the minds.
In This Photo Tim Burton looks like a cracked out Nicholas Cage
What's wrong with the car!
My wife sent me this with some Halloween decorations
I mean he has a point...
Top 10 anime victories
Gamer rage
Saw this on front of a local bar
Attack of the killer tomatoes!
Roll 1D12 for construction
Half and half
It started off so polite
Brits crack me up.
Way too accurate
Was asked to make a sign at work today, I tried
The absolute Madman!
Fake Jordan’s gave the logo a nice butt!