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ZA WaRuDo!
is what i would have said, if i was cool, or had anybody to yell at in the first place...
Pepe Collector

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Being a science writer is harder than being a sports writer.
There are only two places in Canada...
Gimme a kiss baby
British vs American
Idles - Television.mp3
In my opinion you could even use the original one
Let's go!
Petty 100
Alexa, play despacitwo
Can't deny the facts
oh man :( Rip my hope
Gone ... but not forgotten
Wait, does my grandma mean that as well?
Long time ago
Its canon
Warrior>the other
"Meme supply still low Skipper"
hilarious pup caught on camera
No cost
Cyka Szechuan
Funny neighbors.
someone got outplayed
Oh my god no
Love this scene from Naked Gun
be careful
The painting found his doppelganger.
New graphics, same playerbase
Poor Dogs, God wasn't very nice
I never knew!
Bottle Boi Origins
This was a wild ride
Professional garage...
Let the nightmares begin.
How to develop a gambling problem.
Gas prices went up again
Sometimes the truth hurts.
Lads we’ve all been there
We don't serve your kind
I don't remember this playset as a child
We uglies gotta stand together
The calibre of the people I work with...
Biggest Nut Broken
Behold, the bringer of the apocalypse
HDL wet dream
Good ‘ol days
When you check to see if your girlfriend is still mad at you
I thought this lady was reading a spray bottle's label for a really long time on my bus this morning... Then I realised
im trying to make some nice ones before this format gets killed
Say your prayers
If you're gonna make a tinder, take notes from this guy.
Old but Gold. Gets me laughing every single time.
Ya all ***ed...
The good succ
oh god
I am Jesus
they aren't limited
Hop on little buddy!
Pretty darn accurate
Anon goes to Nam
Guess I'll have to find a new place to poop
HL friends are the only one you need
It’s got places to be and people to see
Milk gang = furries
Gottem good.
miniongang 4evah bithc
Just jack it to hentai
Trick or Treating for Karma
My dad, my sister, and I all bought groceries without consulting each other today
God’s plan
It just wants a treat
This is my grandmother. She was known for falling asleep just about anywhere.
Baby’s first costume!
My wife was not amused when I showed her this picture and said- "I didn't know your mom was staying here too"
Billboard in Hollywood is crushing everyone's dreams
He's going to get two Stands
Local bakery in Miramichi, New Brunswick has some fun with Marijuana legalization in Canada
Wow that's Cold
Better heckin buy somethin
Oh right
I found the real beavis and butthead
Weird flex but okay.
My mom made a warlock cloak for my son for Halloween. She made my dad wear it so she could send me a picture of it.
If lord of the rings was a musical
My wife took my two teenage boys to see Halloween. It'll be dark when they get home. So I setup a nice surprise for them when they get back. Checked my security camera and this is what it looks like.
Oof ouch owie, bone hurting quirk.
The one when Ross is a thief?
Premium cutlery only at Subway
Curb your crimes
Twitter is anti-anime
Replacing Nemo
No Oc idea