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Making sure my art degree is put to good use.
Those blurry nights
The hero the world doesn't need right now. But the one it deserves!
Well, he's right.
I lost a tooth earlier this year. I took a silly picture while I was in the gym. My wife had it turned into a sock as a Christmas present for my mother.
It’s officially Christmas season
It's still Thanksgiving on the west coast so it counts
How women look at a man
Definitely killed jesus
Australia doesn't have a gun problem we have a stick problem...
First rule of fight club..
Calorie counting on Thanksgiving
A holiday hack
The state of fallout 76 rn
Shrek has really fallen off the deep end
Freddie Mercury
Gifts For The Handyman On Your List
This baby looks like he’s ready to pour you a pint at his pub.
What a shock
Gluten Matarazzo
I love a great deal!
Where is the money
Seems like a reasonable request
Dolla dolla bill y’all
When its always No Nut November
Apparently the lights I'm installing are Canadian
Funding our Uber driver’s vacations!
Got to love those amazon reviews!
Now I’m no judge of character, but this girl seems shady to me...
roses are red, I have all that
Things from the void are better left there
This will help you find it
What a deal.
Does that remind you of someone?
horror XD
Black Friday shopping
I wasn't invited...
Getting ready for this up coming monday!!!
My dog won't go camping with me anymore.
Nice try vegans.
Its Black Friday!
The correct way of asking someone out
How was your Thanksgiving?
See you tomorrow
Close enough
Don’t you just hate those people who comment on your clothes
Cactus rock climbing!
The haters dab back
Value of something
Mind fart.
Thanksgiving at my home IRL
Plus a 48 hour delay
The Lord giveth
Combine their facial hair, and you get one full beard!
Robbery gone wrong.
If they only knew lol
When you don't know the full capabilities of the programming libraries you're using
You're a wizard, mother***er.
Brace yourself
4 minutes. We timed it. It loses flavor exactly at 4 minutes.
First as a tragedy, then as a farce
Win this for us Goku
Daniel is a very special elf
I do this all the time.
Only God can help
It so be like that sometimes!
It shines brighter than my future
Evolution 2.0
So evil.....GODDD
A matter of perspective!
(No r)oof
When two realities clash
Who took this photo?
The two businesses are directly across the street from each other
Darknet Troubles
Eating for two
My body is a temple
Is that not what it's for?
Timmy... I swear to Christ...
Thanksgiving Humor Level - Dad
Black Friday's nearly upon us
Thanksgiving thoughts
Frozen Turkey.
I regret nothing about this purchase.
And why is your age below the limit?
Good ol' canada
Mix and match jigsaws
***in' Japan
Take that gritty!
I drove over 4 hours away to see the Grand Canyon today. The view was stunning.