Jay Z and Beyoncé look like what would happen if I asked my five year old to draw them.

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My Russian In-laws bought my newborn an outfit... not even remotely surprised
It was pretty fun tho
When your owner calls you by your full name
Needs more Vin Diesel.
*Insert awesome theme song*
Rise and shine!!
The Secret Meerkat Society
The French love a strike
Every year I try to disguise my sister's Christmas present. This year I think I went a little too far...
Just so you know...
what does all of this mean
Title must not be empty
When you don't see color
Kinda sums it up.
Please don't misunderstand this meme
True instinct.
Invention of the Toaster
you stupid winter melon.
I'm wondering how he will proceed
This is my body
My own heaven
Should I ???
This mug that my mom bought my dad
Finger gremlin
no homo
First time Starbucks frights
Bartender didn't even check
Not sure what you can feed your dog? This might help you.
Just like old times
Caution, wet floor
Hello :D
Grass thongs
So that’s all they really want..
I miss using public transport sometimes
Ramen disaster
Mind blowing
I alwayd say next years going to be better
I have spent the last 3 or 4 hours laughing at this, a friend sent me this
I'm a meem necromancer
Become human
Sail on Sailor
Ran into a group of people today celebrating a birthday in an IKEA display.
That's a Lot of damage
Well it is December.
I wonder what he will be up to Neckst
Around what time
This is way too relatable
Made an anagram out of my mom's "Merry Christmas" blocks
Every Kid Ever
Sry to all people who find this offensive
Professor Oak- Is your mom still single ash? Ash - Yes professor Oak. Professor - Here's a pikachu. Go catch every pokemon in the world.
That's not how it was supposed to be...
Someone’s got a sense of humor
Local PTA didn't think this one through.
Honesty and HD
The good Cush
Jean Claude get in the water now !!!.
Parenting Hack #2446
TMW you go to the pub to watch the game and Cheech & Chong are eating lunch....
Breaking News!!
lying face down in snow and then inverting the image gives you a great Han Solo frozen in carbonite impression
Where to draw the line
Friend got an interesting text a little while ago
Well, he's got a point...
There was an Attempt
Hey, it’s me!
I can see why!
My mother in law's cat is obsessed with shrimp. She makes this face whenever there is shrimp on the table.
It’s not contagious is it?
Historic meeting between Ozzy Osbourne and John Lennon
My life
CVS started giving away free scarves with every purchase!!!
Number one
Four pointer
This coloring book...
Across the street from Starbucks...
True Christmas spirit
Important men stuff
An Update on the Note Post
Doctor visit was short
Don’t Anchorage Him
they will pay.
It’s a waste of money
Science can’t explain
So ***ing hot
TFW only one of us comes
Found this while browsing Google Earth in Hutchinson, KS.
PETA billboard
Where the buffalo roam . . .
Back then, when lives were good
Should I call an ambulance?
You just may be on to something