Saw a star wars post about the Empire needing an HR department reminded me of when I went for Halloween as an accountant for the Death Star.

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After my favorite dog meme, here’s my favorite cat meme.
Big shout out to Amazon for taking a pic of my package delivery mid throw
A glimpse into my future
You had your chance
Saw This, Laughed Out Loud, Wittyness At It's Best!
just smile :-D
2020 plans?!
The perfect New Years resolution
That smile
Oh Web MD...
Oh, no thanks
Dragon Avocado! Dracarys
Bird Box was W I L D
Complete Betrayal.
My brother sent this while house sitting 5 chihuahuas
Pushed around and talked about
Pfft, Easy.
That intense
When your programs aren't doing what you want
The face swap of nightmares
I need more context...way more context.
Pakistan did an Oopsie
Lotion Boss
Literally my girlfriend after we had an argument
hits me right in the feels
What’s guys really think
A heckin bamboozle
Can I tell you a secret?
Optimal solution
Thanks you too
"The Texorcist"
My problem exactly.
Relatable am I right ahahaha
It puts the lotion in the basket..
Now you know why
Good halloween idea for pregnant women..
colder than-----
Welcome, to Target park
A full wolf
I am the night!!
Evolution of a gentleman
Couldn't agree more. I still think the fish should live though
People are so insecure.
Someone poured laundry detergent into the fountain in front of our neighborhood
Happiness is a choice.
Never occurred to me
'No one cared who I was until I put on the mask'
.One of my best $2 purchases.
Extremely me right now.
the whole series in a nutshell
In light of the Catholic Church headlines lately...
Done this before ??
Who needs a mirror anyway
The ultimate ruse
I don't know what this cat is going through, but I can relate
He'll grow out of it
Bat-blades anyone?
this made me blow air out of my nose
I relate to this on a deep personal level
Tips to improve your English
With his number one hit “I still miss you baby, but my aims getting better”.
Benjamin Franklin looks like my Mom when I drink too much at Christmas.
When you love too hard
Call out post to all the dads out there
Buddy at work secret Santa party legit just got gifted the same shirt he is wearing!
It's over. (just a meme tho)
This is so relatable.
Birdbox or turtlebox?
Why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick?
A bald eagle got loose during the Notre Dame game today and landed on a random specator
They banned dogs on the subway unless they can fit on a bag...
Every job site ever.
10/10 cosplay
First Nations “White Man” mask looks a lot like Nic Cage
Mechanic with a good sense of humor
You’ve got a ‘like’ in me.
Crazy Rich Anglos
They are really good listeners.
Looking pretty McFly
The 27th-31st is the Holiday Taint
Who wears it best?
Where art thou
When my 3rd toddler tries to scratch his butt during a diaper change
I see no problem here!
I mean you can’t perfect right?
Every time I ask
The ultimate superhero
Good one
Have to order new business card with this on thw back!
Cat perception
Memes evolution
After Christmas Gluttony
What’s wrong honey?
Mis-addressed Christmas card. Best one of the year. Thank you anonymous.