Someone didn't get Red Dead 2 or Spider-Man for Xmas...

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From the heart of a true fan
Just trying to sleep
Well I just screwed my future.
This gull gets it.
These are the good old childhood memories. Anyone who agrees?
Who else watches reality tv and would watch this!?
Not OC but had to share
Feeling cute today
The photo meant to ensure my wife I had put our son to bed turned out quite sinister.
Legalize cocaine
Office recycling...
Keep the door closed! :)
What even is art, I can’t tell anymore
The best seller that marked a generation
Classic dick...
The perfect teacher does't exi...
Best use of wallpaper ever
Everyone got an A anwyay
*High school maths PTSD flashback*
The one about sex may be worse...
I'd call that a yes
Speed metal and bandwidth
Roses are red, violets are green, this little shrimp, is the last thing you’ve seen
This is beyond science
snip snip
Really makes you think
Outstanding move.
Their crew is big and it keeps getting bigger. That's 'cause Jesus Christ is their niBBa
Philosophical dog.
Japanese Game Shows are on a completely different level than the rest of us
run towers
Giving healthy advice for the elderly
If only it was a joke...
Every girl doing the 10 year challenge on instagram
"wipes tear"
She's a KEEPER.
Human history in a nutshell
Say please?
Justice for Rambo.
*alarm goes off*
A good sign makes all the difference!
Apple fake confirmed??
How could they not guess that?
im lonely..
This hit too close to home
Admins, right after banning Vonbaron
Thy Prophet Has Returned
Just found this *thing* on my old MacBook
Jim Carrey’s faces represents drugs...
My aunt’s goofy great dane, Louis.
It's a fair point
Its true though
Wait whaaat???
Dora could almost be the villain in the avengers infinity war
22 more times likely eh?
improvised scene
Save it, one day you’ll need it
Very cost efficient
Happens more often then you’d expect
Good advice as always
Girl Scout sells 170 boxes of cookies outside Marijuana Dispensary.
will we start every new year like this now?
Don't be like bob
Well that's terrifying
Toilet paper math is the hardest kind of math.
Busted doing drugs by Chris Allison.
Her name must be Karen
Where is logan paul when bert needs him?
I am bad in titles...
Does this actually happen?
This guy came for a burger.
Finally she can dominate on the bed for once
make an account and join the riot
Yeeeees comrades
knees be like that sometimes
From suicide to chad in 30 xanax or less
25 years later, Jazz still has a point
And that's how you win elections
Who's your new mvp??
Everybody has this one special ability
The mighty oak
Found in work fridge...
F*kin wizards man
Underneath the mask, we are all afraid
They had to have cropped it like this didn’t they?
Make sure there’s demand in your field before committing.