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ZA WaRuDo!
is what i would have said, if i was cool, or had anybody to yell at in the first place...
Pepe Collector

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Amazing billboard seen in Connecticut
Best before Monday
Funny gunny
And together we become one!
It's He-Ma'am!
And the Mexicans will pay for it
Doomed Roomba
They do, check it
Just git gud
I’ll just stay in my car and crap myself.
My dead grandmother can knock him out in a fight ffs
If she doesn't get this, she's too young for you.
My house hunting experience right now:
The cave tenyearchallenge
We humbly introduce the internet
Gillette Has Standards
Camouflage pants
Some good shiii
Found at a funeral
Anything on the floor is fair game.
Proof that Wolverine doesn't age. He just shaves.
Where's the lie?
Dwight the hero?
Yeah what a loser :×
I burn, bread burns, I am bread.
It's worse when it goes backwards
dog in disguise
Find 1895 calendar! Go for that mission!!
Instant karma, Front yard Frosty with tree trunk base teaches KY driver a valuable lesson
Feeling cute
Bert box
Legends never dei
Stopped for some noodles and needed to finish some work. Was no disappointed.
So pimp
When the druid steals your clothes
Yeet'd that pussycat
Dude probably flies around with the slightest breeze
Beware of the kitten tank
Those are his ears
Tastes like swamp
I did literally lol
Potential baby names
dam ten year olds these days
Alcohol intoxication level: Disney princess
If Only We All Had This Power!
The new live action Lion King is so realistic!!
Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant. Instead of removing this art, they just put sombreros on the pandas.
Mada mada
Admins are now regulars
The only person that’s allowed to eat pizza with a knife and fork
finally some good news
Upvote memes you enjoy
Not bad
Who reads titles?
Your sign is a LIE
I asked my wife to put abusive notes in my lunchbox instead of the usual soppy love notes. This is day 3
The tattoo artist "nailed" it
"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberder today"
Admit is coming
this lady proposing in the bathroom
The Scots were right all along
Another zuccs the dust
Now that's a thought, we are doing it all wrong!
*anxiety intensifies*
Is this another plan of the akatsuki ?!
Meanwhile, in a clothes shop.
Really ask yourself
Best Aquaman cosplay
At the office
in all my years of schooling, ive never seen a PE teacher run
Anti vax be like
This picture tells the story of almost all couples.
When grandma can crochet....
Gen Z*
The perfect body
when your extended NNN is finally over
Litterally Hitler
Beach Romance
What is my purpose? You patrol
Why don't you go ahead and have a seat over there
I m also glad...
Credits to taine_elson for the idea
Humpty trumpty
Balance is Key
Lvl 30 : boss
Maybe it isn't just funny anymore
This is so sad, can we riot?