Hulk Hogan riding a motorcycle while a guy in the background throws a dog into the ocean

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Why won't you visit me, I just want to be your friend
Tom Holland is all of us
fck yeah
not relatable
Gotta throw that whole neck away
no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyy
My nephew on his 100th day of school
What would happen if they rolled a 20?
high tier humour
Batman has standards
Soooooo true
Wait. That’s illegal
Meanwhile in Russia. Seems legit
ffs Todd
Think my love for the homies has an inner ear infection
The cure
Atleast he tried erasing it
Oh My god
Because that's how I roll !!
I'm going to win you a million teddy bears
Spock sure was smooth
Perks of incest
Wait, this is illegal
I feel you too Emily. I feel you too.
Well damn
Now with a more spreadable formula
Good job, PETA
A brief history of furries
This bag on the bus was low-key trying to get my attention
What I woke up to this morning.
Sun in the day, moon in the night
Loans, huh?
Needless to say... There will be some papers to sign when it’s all said and done.
mfw im in the freezer
Noble knight is noble
Saw this gem in my doctor’s office...
First mountain lions and now he has to fend off a cougar.
How tall are you guys ?
Clearly it's a TV.
The most majestic creature on earth
Carl should've listened to her
Theyre always watching...
Hold the burned area under cool running water.
drink enough hydration
Going to meet Jordan Peterson
Truth spoken!
Strange Planet: b u s i n e s s
A....a....are you sure Rick?
This is the future.
Her husband invented diapers
i feel exactly the same way. #bravery
The perfect diet
rip oppy
Aww pikachu is so cute
Best Photoshop ever..
living is this generations new trend
Steven has ascended to godhood
Terry Crews is a national treasure
Monthly routine
Life is so hard.
Sir you need to loose some weight
Oh, sweetheart...
dont forget to give you little sisters a headpat
liked the format so
Man that's wack
Very offensive joke
RedTube would know.
Custom card ?
Drunk Note: Boi is a G and Bald
Monday early morning phone call
C’mon Karen
Ah, Australians
Okay Jod
Dream job right there
Riddle me that
That’s NEVER going to happen!
This is why my friends wont let me use their lighter..
Double standards man SMH
Literally too Dark!
It's Rewind Time...
~(˘▾˘~) ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) (ಥ益ಥ) (ಠ_ಠ)'' (¬_¬)zzz (ง’̀-‘́)ง
This dog seems like a lot of fun
Dogs know best
I just wanted to play
Twitter trolls.