This guy made an account called I will post in 5 years, exactly 5 years ago. 5 years later he has finally made his first ever post!

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I like messing with my girlfriend
Apex cucks fortnight
Wait! That’s illegal
Instant 3 stars.
haha, please stop
generic funny title*
Just testing this post, please ignore.
You can't hide.
His despicable reign will soon be over
That's the book
The Ultimate Showdown
Yeah Karen!
For the parents out there!... We laugh, we cry.
hWat Propane Tanks 50% off
As a society..... We truly are unworthy of this man.
Stiffler is now 5 years older than Stifflers Mom
And that’s why Darth Vader was a good leader
The Brienne of ***ing Tarth..
Confused boner
Full Form Of Thanos
My cat usually showers with me but decided to hop in with my fiancé this morning instead. Some things can’t be unseen.
Be kind
Nana Nana Nana Nana
family reunions are scary
Consider your mind blown
Are you a believer ?
You might be on to something here
The edge of the universe
Seen in The Domican Republic
Yea or nay ?
Local PD is sick of Karen's shit
Saw this on the sidewalk in NYC ~New Yorker’s are always keeping it real!
Anyone else think Disney is running out of ideas?
I recieved this message the other day. This was our Moderator. Pay Respects
Pls before airports close
Asking the important questions...
Salt Truck Bae
f e e l s a p p r o p r i a t e
An ideal companion
An undeniable fact
the cursest one so far
no u
it can really be like that
And the winner is
Unsaved Data
Weird times to be alive
I'm not gay!
Peppa pig.
This guy's going places
It came from the future
A certain point of view........
slogan of your campaign
Before we go any further...
He brought a hat this time
Let's all just live in the moment
cursed pokemon
It's vibrating
Yo mamma so ugly...
Honestly it’s all he do
How to make new friends 101
Whitening toothpaste
Got the job tho
Anon has a sword
Three Musketeers Still love this movie after all these years!
Smackin on your lips with your hands on your hips.
This is on point!
Some marriages arent worth saving
New chocolate choices!!
Maybe the next episode....
Bunch of peasants
it´s free realestate
I must do what must be done
The legend continues
Save the fish !
A tiny technicality
Homophobia rate drops to zero.
Loonely Lubes
Tell me your favorite song
Official New Name:
The ability to remote into your co-workers computer while they arent paying attention is underrated.
Same, granny. Same.
Pharmacy puts their back pain stuff on the bottom shelf
Well thats true...
Kinda ruins the purpose
Thai police officer playing FIFA against a drug dealer he caught with one condition: if he lost, he gotta snitch. The officer won 9-0.
Puff puff pass
This sheep from New Zealand ran away and hid in a cave just to avoid shearing. When it was found after 6 years, it looked like this!
Can't wait till Friday
Quick message for mobile users
A new element has been discovered
Seen outside a church on my walk to work.
That's when happens when there is no context...
A n t i v a x
You have no fashion sense anyway