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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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2019 Jim Carrey is turning into Aunt Jackie from Roseanne
Hold Up!!
Nice Balls
*@tofu-nipples has left the chat*
Oh Tommy
Visited a friend who has 3 young sons. Came upon this.
Lord of the swings
Combining forces to take down the enemy: Priceless
I'm so happy for them
Cowabunga it is
Norwegian gas chambers
A very British response
Its free real estate
The devils lettuce.
This is why commas are so important!
Hugelol Herald, the February election edition
Drank too much lean
Why it is so difficult to choose a title?
I keep a book in my bathroom just in case.
My submission for best headline ever
Leaving a rubber duck on your dashboard during one of the hottest days
Low budget Star Wars Cosplay
When u and your friend visit grandma
Been gone for 2 years for military deployment. Im behind in memes but I have only one question
PETA gets the wiki edit it deserves..
Every sub today.
It’s not like their reputation is already poor...
Loud neighbours
Ding dong.....
That last boss was so hard the kid asked for divine intervention.
Yeah , why though ?
PETA Saves animals guys
Today I learned that PETA uses auto responses on their Twitter page.
Best toilet is unisex
Multi tasking?
Too tru
PETA messed with the wrong community!
Hitler joke from a 1940s joke book
Salt Life
The bottom of a huge container of animal crackers is just a mass grave of animal parts
They have one now
Nice hat!
Insomnia sucks
Well at least he had his plans set out
You can't have it ladies!
Confident straight man compliments Caitlyn Jenner on her looks.
*** PETA amirite
Roll on summer
That's a bold move cotton.
It’s a dogs life......
I Love Finding Funny Cats on the Internet!
3D Printed. I don’t need $0.50 or a wife.
d e c e p t i o n
[The stream will begin in 3 hours]
Grandpa does not look well
Think it’s time to get change the baking soda from our refrigerator?
New Baby Reaction
"Mr. Stark...I don't feel so good..."
And the ‘Genius Mom Award’ goes to...
What's your rescue story? :)
End of story
Best father
Waldos Parents
Throwing hands
Hmm... tea
The one issue we all agree on.
Feeling cute LOL, might invade Czechoslovakia later idk
Matching game.
This license plate frame...
I don't know how to put this, but we have been lied to. The tennis ball is flat.
As sad as it is funny...
He's so innocent.
It backfired...
Peta: *disses Steve Irwin* The Internet:
These children in a kid's magazine look familiar
Don't make it obvious
it was a great idea
Or maybe he opened a can of whoop ass on the devil?
God: Yeah that Earth is pretty nice, but does it have cup holders?
PETA sucks
The Perfect Tattoo
Got fined by HOA for sign on left, so I one upped them.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
For the dinosaurs!
Dammit, brain
Condom sales rise by 1000%
Airpods wont understand
Italy man
perception 100
New technologies will never please everyone
Uhhhh well..
The crusade continues...