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<This ugly son of a *** is making OC only and is getting free karma and basically, you are ***ing stupid. How?... Just Watch The Free Video> [59]

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I don't want to know the backstory here
Does what it says on the box...
Can anyone explain??
Normal day in my life
Man, Man Man's the man man
We are a proud people.
Art in its purest form
Sneaking your dido into work
Exercise chart anyone can complete
it be like that
Good Job AntiVaxxers
What a tit.
Blaire is on to something.
my brain could not comprehend the edge
I wish I could unsee this
Smart Phone addiction, Funny but sad
Junkyard Math
I’m sorry, Dad.
Darn reposts!!
Just a typical family photo with our furbabies...
He’s not mad, just disappointed
I'm moving to a different state and ordered a pizza at my regular pizza place. This is how they said goodbye.
Ducks: How To Make Them Pay
I’d watch this on Twitch
Everyone likes snow ri-
A shaved Husky
What a beautiful baby boy!
Oxford comma, ladies and gentlemen
The 10 year challenge
Didn’t think that one through
Okay guys I have a cool new LIFEHACK
Why am I always elektron
Why they never come.
Obvious first place candidates
Mom trying to make a case against vaccines
of course I can run your servers
Dylan is a monster
Catholic school dress codes
I have been laughing at it for 2 minutes now
Nothing but truth
Omg I hate when this happens
I’m not exactly sure that it works like that…
Doom 9/10
On her way to speak with the manager
The wait was worth it
she’s gotta try swiping more time
Wife’s out of town and took the hair dryer, so I had to improvise. Officially feel like a real dad now.
+1 ..... +1 ..... 0
Love how he’s laughing
Poor Bob. He will be missed...
What future generation?
Next up, the 4 day old antivaxx kid.
i..just can't..
James Fridman. This guy is a legend.
I felt that for sure, that was me lol!
hit him up for your coachella gear
Theory: Autism causes vaccines.
A real sad story
What i got for my birthday.
There’s so many!
>-< OuO
Will it respond to its name? Never.
A man with class
She left for dick
Listen high schoolers
That police officer most have been a track star. This is playing in normal speed btw
Best starter pack
Local vet clinic promoting neutering
Last man standing
Pláne reacts only
Identify this close-up of a flag
At last
My dog always looks like she's having war flashbacks
The truth about the circus
pretty old school
Big bath guy
Timmy goes emo
Great value
That's technically correct
I dont work here
Cat of culture
I grade this a D
From the creator of "New Folder" and "New Folder"
Ready for bad time
Carl is an intersecting line, we meet only once
What a Happy Family
Found in the stall at my job
At the bar
It's gotta be easier than figuring out those resume templates.
Ooo i see
Driving too fast, officer
How true is this...
It's the circle of life..
Peak Craigslist
Oh lord