A Russian container ship crashed into a bridge in Busan, South Korea. The translation is like something out of a Always Sunny episode.

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IT in a nutshell
Remember when Adam told Eve to calm down and how that escalated
This new daycare center just opened near me
How to find the Kentucky on a US map
The poshest restaurant
Forbidden Image
Look at that daring sign
Nobody puts gator in a corner
Shorties never win
Simpsons are rich
I’m not sure who is more terrified
Dogs are fimily.
A guy at our high school got suspended for passing out these passes. It was on the local news too.
Crazy how nature does that
Found at an airport drop off zone.
Life’s stages
Hell is leaking again
Cracker Jack prize
Everyone hold real still and say paws
This'll be interesting
Only Gold and Swedish fish are acceptable in the workplace
Fragrance by Samuel Jackson.
adblock needed
Crazy cat burglar
Just Mad
id play this game
Very true....
Where to start...
He's doing his best
too soon?
Australia knew about it 16 hours before it happened and did nothing
Like a damn boomerang...
*Screams in customary units*
Quit nagging me!
BEHOLD. The Pokémon fan base.
Only power
Tried my best... :)
Before I leave I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
These Mario-themed Lamborghinis
o p i u m wars
I can't un-see this.
Caption not included
Yeetus Deletus
True story, 100% legit
Let's see what facts they present..
Those eyes O.O
Alex Trebek is a national treasure
I live on my own now
Took me a minute..
That’s about right
My wife is a little passive aggressive.
The Clash - Train in Vain.mp3
Anon on his life
Too real fam
Can u imagine ?
Who’s more intelligent now?
Who clicked the photo though
I smell a lawsuit.
thats actaully me
That'll make anything howl
Or maybe-coz im high
Steve has been a bit aggressive lately
The last thing the Taliban see.
Why am I so old this is the only shit I find funny now
An interesting day at work...
He is a royal boob...
She doesn’t even go to this school!
Why can’t we just decide??
Noone can stop me
Good intentions don’t always yield the best of results...
F*** You
And so, billy died
Always every time all the time
I saw a woman in a window reading woman in the window.
So damn lonely
Seriously odd practice
Punch him. It's how men say hello.
Ain’t wrong
Roll it
Doin a good guard.
I came home to this today.
Fat Begone
Penetrating gays.
Advertising: Level 100
Rage Against the Cuisine
Grandma has chosen trick!