My buddies dog wondering where my cone is after we both have surgery to remove cancer the same day. We also share the same name!

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Article 13 ffs
my sides
why do they do that?
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Car won't start?
Waking up after Daylight Saving Time like
Its gonna happen
The Americas on its side looks like a duck
new theory emerges!
niqqa got rekt
Come back soon guys
I’m just speechless at this point
Goths, for when you love dark girls but are deeply afraid of minorities
Clint da bee
Asian will smith
We can all agree that woodwinds are inferior to brass
Amen, sister....
As an adult, I will go to great lengths to recreate a feeling as good as this.
Hit where it hurts
Spring Forward...
And you think having to change YOUR clocks is a pain...
s i m u l a t i o n
Tell me a story please mum
60 Seconds
Mission failed...?
You're a bad guy, but not really
I never lose
Yoshi starts a ponzi scheme
ping: 398ms
Anon and the dog
Rise up
I f*ckin' told you not to mess with the bees! Now you look like a Kardashian!
Someone touch my Spagett
Very thoughtful
All facial control lost
Currently on vacation in Mexico. My name is Anel. It’s romantic.
It’s a good question
Hi honey, I am home
Much Easier
Smile and wave.
Ok so NO
Carl vaccinated!
Dating in your 30’s
click that suscribe button
Those ppl suck
Anon the prankster
Walking The Gauntlet
R. Jelly.
why pensar?
I think I will pass
I swear I did not post this to get the sauce
This isn't the reality I signed up for
The old familiar sting...
When the HDL servers go down
Agree to Disagree
Y’all get bamboozled.
I get straight A’s
Man finds new shirt and pants digging through trash bags.
Curious George causes the apocalypse
I couldn’t have said it better myself
A Dwarf army, in other words...
Paint Jobs Accidentally Matched Dumb and Dumber
My sister's friend bought the wrong concert tickets.
Hello There I guess
First I bang the drum, then I bang bang your mum
Going through old files when suddenly...
Next level strats
Sign at a bar.
Getting my Bachelor's in I.T. Management just got interesting.
must be nice or whatever
Andrew Jackson becoming Stallone becoming Rambo
If you say so....
What a di...
And you!
Best waste of time ever
gen 9 leaked
My husband didn’t think I’d find shirts to match them!
But I'm the UN!
This applies to all things you NEED...
Puff daddy popcorn
Marvel Comics' Breaking Bad
We're all different
A subtle piece of trolling
Maybe we should be more like the Irish?
Gets complicated