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I gave my girlfriend a set of keys to my apartment today
Well... I wasn't expecting this response.
I want to thank the academy
shit in the shower guy
Idk what to put in the title
But was it worth it?
"i hates da sun, i hates da beach, i hates you too"
Solid logic...
Snoop Dogg at Disneyland
They are definitely worth it
I believe you
Why am I this way?
I'm not even mad at these people that never took down their Halloween decorations. They just dress them up for other holidays.
A fowl situation
PETA tries memes
Hey, what's krakken?
good luck
Goth duck
The new Bloomberg cover
Did they Nazi that coming?
brings a smile to my face
out of order
If only my dog was this useful
Get out of here
when the trip hits hard
My green scaly princess
This though...
1 like = 1 nword pass
It’s a Lego worm...
Those were the good ole days
Deadpool 100
I know this is old but it's still funny and relevant
My doctors office has a timed air freshener that sprays directly in your face as you pee.
When it is Pi day and no one cares
Can we please get this
Found Cosmo and Wanda trying to be sneaky at my work today.
final count down
Emma is my spirit animal
When the die dies
Dogs are worth it.
Marshall for Pie Day
Tell me you get it
when our autistic generation gets drafted into next war
Racist robots
We are what we watch
Pls stay away from me!
This is just a re-print.
Friend just got a German Shepard puppy. Asked how her cat is getting along with him, and was sent this pic.
Welcome to 2019 everybody!
The Reddinomics
Serverus Snape isn't real he can't hurt you
Wholesome Poker.
Leaked image of the Game of thrones writers trying to fit the ending into 6 episodes.
Hey Boss, I need a raise, I had 9 sons yesterday.
Alexa is in great danger!!
When Relatives Visit Your Home
I usually get about the same response.
Real Kiwi Hours
Happiness noise
Gotta love Noob Noob
He finally ate the cable
Doesn't meant WoB can nut thought
Best Part About Getting A Vaccine
As smooth as sand.
konichiwa my niggas
forbidden chocolate
Vegan only please
Oh China, never change
"Realistic" depictions.
Theresa May losing brexit deal for the second time
Anon is a teacher
essay tips 101
Great Solution!!
The windshield "drop" wipers
He still won't use the bike lane
They're waswas now
run peach, run!
Still down.
Play or the chair gets it
Get some sleep
Thanks vpn
What is the meaning of life?
14 year old me has never been more proud of adult me
Aunt Becky did what she had too!
How your grandpa describes his walk to school
You can’t drink the candle, Becky...
This tweet didn’t age well.
*starts watching infomercials*
He ain’t so bad
All that crunching.
Accident from the front
For the older people. Kids, you probably won’t get it sorry.
Not sure if this dude is going to save the world or destroy it