My family all had edibles for Easter, and my dad definitely had a striking resemblance to someone.

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Kneel before my monstrous pinky
I'm constipated now.
Gotta get that profit.
Taking responsibility
A boring temple apparently
My cousin’s Easter photos gave us this true masterpiece.
My friend hates this photo of himself so I made a landscape out of it.
Awkward af
just playing it safe my dudes
Be brave!
My wife’s family likes to take a photo together on Easter. I like to provide some minor alterations
Not playing with a full deck
I think we're parked, man
Y'all doin something?
An outrageous crime!
Actual picture taken at my church during service today
It's pretty easy to take out
The twitter profile of the man that will get us to Mars
The safety needs these days... psh.
Joyous Easter
Muscles Galore
Remember everyone life sucks
I hope my friends and family are ready for an extra fun Easter this year!
Dabs on autism
Moses must have used apple maps.
Everybunny was kung-fu fighting
I didn't think it was dark
Husband said he was going to make a bed frame. I thought it was for our new mattress.... It was for the cat.
Nazi kids are the worst
A farther shared his trousers to his son during a pouring rain
I’m an avid gardener and try to teach my children about plants everyday. Today’s lesson: Cacti
United opinion
Impure memes
Revolutions: Reloaded
And a backflip too.
Moon haunted
Oh Mother Nature
or get money in any way at all
Elon Weeb
Good boy tried his best
Strong spirits...
Anon is
colgate meme
What can they do?
No1 calls me childish or else....
The perfect job doesn’t exis...
Thanks Theresa x
I Think The Power Has Gone To His Head
No more privilege
Strong boi
Put bloodstains
Ten years and nothing’s changed.
Soo hungry
A r r a n g e d
This crow
No wonder he's angery
He dried for our sins
At least grandma always laugh
Every Summer progress
Cational Treasure
What keeps you up at night?
Can't wait for it to be finally done
The things we do for love
I thought It was a salad convention
nice, uh... knife
The effects of using vaccines are the real hell
Very informative road sign
Tired of your shit, Billy!
Try this game!
Chillin in the woods
"Some things only women can do"
Gorillas posing for groupfies with anti-poaching officers in Congo look like they’re about to drop the hottest beat of the summer
Guys come let's go to another bar!!
You reach out to push the orc off the ledge.
Just another day in the salt mines!
George Washington snapped
Praise Jebus
Emergency raise
Poor Waldo
Found this on FB and it is funny to me, but I don't got anything against Gay marriage.
Getting old sucks!
Imagine going back in time and still being a loser
Dads feeding their kids
Your next line "What?"
An honest mistake
a cool mug
An ultimate combination
Schlong bug
I hate potholes...
rank: chaotic evil